and every hundred in the county aforesaid, shall have power
to require the labour of all and singular the able-bodied male
inhabitants, residing in his hundred, above the age of eighteen
and under the age of fifty years, in such proportions as the
state of the roads may require, not exceeding one-fourth of the
hands in any one family, at any one time, except in families
where there are less than four hands, giving always at least
two dajs notice to the person or persons so required to labour.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That all and every person or
persons, so called on, shall be, and they are hereby required
to labour, or to provide a sufficient substitute to labour on the
public roads as aforesaid, not less than one day nor more than
two days in each and every year.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted. That any person or persons who
shall refuse or neglect to labour, or to furnish a sufficient sub-
stitute to labour on the public roads aforesaid, shall pay to the
overseer of his hundred the sum of seventy-five cents for each
and every day so refusing or neglecting; Provided, he or they
shall pay the said sum within ten days after having been de-
manded by the said overseer, otherwise the overseer as afore-
said, shall be authorized to demand the sum of one dollar and
fifty cents of all such persons so neglecting or refusing ; to be
recovered in the manner prescribed by the act to which this is
a further additional supplement, and to be applied by said
overseer to the repairs of the aforesaid roads in his hundred.
SEC, 4. And be it enacted, That the said overseers shall once
in every year render an account of all fines and forfeitures re-
ceived by them in virtue of this act, stating the full amount
received, and how applied in mending and repairing the seve-
ral and respective roads aforesaid, to the justices of the levy
court, upon oath or affirmation.
AN ACT to authorize and empower the Levy Courts of the several Counties
therein mentioned, to alter, open, and shut up, Roads in their respective
Counties.— 1829, ch. 234.
Levy court
SEC. 1. Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the levy courts or commissioners, as the case may be, of
Charles, Caroline, Washington and Calvert counties, be, and
they are hereby authorized and empowered, to alter, open and
shut up, any public road in said counties ; and to have full
power and cognizance, in every respect, in relation to esta-
blishing, altering, opening, or shutting up, any public road or
roads in said counties, and to levy money for said purpose, or
assess damages, as to them shall seem meet and equitable.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That when, in the opinion of said
court, either of their own knowledge, or upon representation
of any third person or persons, it may become necessary to