An alms
and work
house to be
erected, &c.
SEC. 2. Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Man/land,
That there shall be an alms and work-house erected and built
in Calvert county, at a convenient place therein, at the general
A new Poor-house is to be erected by 1826, ch. 244.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That for the time being the se-
veral persons hereafter named be and are hereby appointed
trustees of the poor within the said county, and are empow-
ered with full and sufficient authority to discharge the several
offices, duties and trusts, reposed and required of them by
this act; that is to say, Messieurs Walter Smith, John
Dare, Frederick Skinner, John Somervell, Edward Reynolds,
Charles Williamson and William Allein ; which persons, or
the major part of them, in case of the death or absence of any,
are hereby required, with all convenient speed, to meet at
such place within their county as to them shall seem proper,
to qualify themselves for the office of trustees for the poor of
their county, by taking and subscribing the several oaths, or
affirmations, appointed by law to be taken to the government,
and also taking the following oath, viz : 'I, A. B. do swear,
or affirm, that 1 will duly and faithfully discharge the duties
and trust committed to me as trustee for the poor of Calvert
county, by an act of the general assembly, entitled, an act for
the relief of the poor of Calvert county, according to the best
of my skill and knowledge ; so help me God ;' which oaths
are to be administered by any of the seven persons last named
for the county to the person first named, or in his absence to
any one of the three persons first named that shall be there
present, which person being sworn as aforesaid, shall admi-
nister the oaths aforementioned to all the rest, and so succes-
sively, the first person named that shall be present shall always
administer the said oaths to any that have been absent, or that
shall hereafter be elected and chosen pursuant to the directions
of this act to supply the place of any that shall be dead, or re-
moved out of the county, or any who shall refuse or neglect to
qualify and act as a trustee, when elected pursuant to the di-
rections of this act; and the aforesaid persons, or a majority of
them, being sworn as aforesaid, shall be constituted and quali-