Their per diem, for attending City Court/ is fixed by 181^ ch. 193, sec.
9, ante page 1452.
AN ACT relating to the Summoning Jurors to the City Court of Baltimore.
1819, ch. 67.
Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
hereafter the sheriff of Baltimore county shall summon the
usual number of petit jurors, to serve for the first three weeks
of each term of the city court of Baltimore, and should the
said court continue its session longer than three weeks, it shall
be the duty of the said sheriff to summon the like number of
petit jurors to serve during the remainder of the term.
A SUPPLEMENT to an ACT, entitled, an Act relating to Coroners.
1824, ch.21.
number to
be summon
ed for the
first three
weeks of
term, &c.
Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
from and after the passage of this act, no juror summoned by a
coroner or justice of the peace on an inquest, in the city and
county of Baltimore, shall be entitled to, or receive any fee or
compensation for his services, any law to the contrary notwith-
AN ACT relating to Justices of the Peace in the City of Baltimore.
1818, ch 209,
tion to
SEC. 1. Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That from and after the first day of May next, there shall be
appointed and commissioned, for each ward in the city of Balti-
more, at least one and not more than two justices of the peace,
who shall be styled in their commission, justices of the peace of
the state of Maryland in and for the city of Baltimore, and who
shall be compelled to keep an office in the ward for which they
are appointed, and to keep a docket of cases decided by them.
One justice
at least to
be appoint-
ed for eaeh
SEC. 2. And be U enacted, That no justice of the peace afore-
said shall issue a warrant for the recovery of a debt, except upon
the application of the creditor for the same, in person, or by
some agent or attorney duly authorized -by him, other than a
constable, and such warrant shall be made returnable before
the same, or any justice of the ward in which the debtor may
reside, and the defendant shall have his election to have his
cause tried before the justice of either of such wards, and upon
such election the case shall be referred to the justice so elected
to try the same.
No warrant
for recovery
of a debt to
be issued
except upon
of creditor
in person,
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the justice by whom any
judgment shall be rendered shall alone have power to issue an
execution thereon ; but if said justice shall be then out of com-
judgment to
have alone