SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That nothing contained in this
act, or the act to which this is a supplement, shall be construed
to affect the sale or disposition of silver plate, of manufacture
of silver, the property of anjr debtor, taken in and by virtue of
any execution or judicial writ, or of any insolvent debtor,
which sale or disposition shall be authorized and made in con-
formity to the laws of this state.
Not to
affect sales
in virtue of
SEC. 7. And be it enacted, That it shall not be lawful for
the assayer appointed under the a»t to which this is a supple-
ment, or for any assayer who may hereafter be appointed under
said act, to be concerned, or any wise interested, in the manti-*
factoring OF sale of silver plate, or manufacture of silver, within
not to to
in manufac-
tore of
act for the stamping of silver plate in the city or precincts of
Baltimore, or shall mark or stamp, or cause or procure to be
marked or stamped, any wrought plate of silver, or any wares
of brass, or other base metal, silvered over or resembling silver,
with any mark or stamp, which hath been or shall be forged or
counterfeited at any time either before or after the passage of
this act, in imitation of, or to resemble any Stamper mark direc-
ted to be used in pursuance of this act, or shall transpose or
remove, or cause or procure to be transposed or removed, from
one piece of wrought plate to another, or to any vessel of such
base metal as aforesaid, any stamp, mark or impression, which
may be made by or with any stamp or mark, directed to be
used in pursuance of this act, or shall sell; exchange, or expose
or offer for sale or exchange, any wrought plate of silver, or any
vessel of such base metal as aforesaid, with any such forged or
counterfeited stamp, mark or impression thereon, or any stamp,
mark or impression, which hath been or shall be transposed or
removed from any other piece of plate, knowing such stamp,
mark or impression, to be forged, counterfeited of transposed,
or removed as aforesaid, or shall wilfully or knowingly have, or
be possessed of any mark or stamp, which hath been or shall
be forged or counterfeited in imitation of, and to resemble any
mark or stamp to be used as aforesaid, every such person of-
fending in any such or either of the cases aforesaid, being
thereof lawfully convicted, shall forfeit and pay the sum of five
hundred dollars, to be recovered by action of debt in Baltimore
county court, in the name of the mayor and city council of
Baltimore, the one-half thereof to the said mayor and city coun-
cil of Baltimore for the use of the city, and the other half
thereof to the use of the informer, and shall be committed by
the court in which judgment shall be given thereon, to the
penitentiary of the state of Maryland, there to remain and be
kept at hard labour for any time not exceeding the space of five
years, nor less than one year, and until payment be made of
the said forfeiture*