two shall be styled in the said commission, associate judges of
the said court ; and the said chief judge and associate judges
shall hold their commissions during good behaviour, removable
according to the constitution of this state, and not otherwise;
and from and after the issuing said commission, all the powers.
jurisdiction and authority, vested in, and now held and exer-
cised by, the court of oyer and terminer and gaol delivery for
Baltimore county, or the justices thereof, within the said city
and precincts, shall be and are hereby vested in, and may be
rightfully exercised by, Baltimore city court, or the judges
To decide
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That on the commencement of
all claims
now pend-
this act all causes, pleas, process and proceedings, depending in
ing in court
of oyer and
the court of oyer and terminer and gaol delivery for Baltimore
county, shall be heard, tried and determined, before the justices
appointed and commissioned in virtue of this act ; and that all
process which hath been issued or shall issue from the court of
oyer and terminer and gaol delivery for Baltimore county, re-
turnable to the next term of the said court, and all recogni-
zances which have been, or shall be taken, returnable to the
next term of the said court, shall be returned to the first term
of the court to be holden under this law.
To appoint
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the judges of Baltimore city
a clerk.
court, shall appoint a fit and proper person, as clerk to the said
court, who shall receive into his custody all the records, books
and proceedings, now remaining in the office of the clerk of the
court of oyer and terminer and gaol delivery for Baltimore
county, and who shall be entitled to receive the same fees as
are now allowed by law to the clerk of the court of oyer and
terminer and gaol delivery for Baltimore county.
SEC. 4. Continues the then Clerk of the Court of Oyer and Terminer and
Gaol Delivery until a Clerk is appointed.
Limits of
SEC. 5. And be it enacted. That all that part of Baltimore
city and
county, which lies within the following lines, shall be deemed,
taken and considered, as composing the city and precincts of
Baltimore} within the meaning and intent of this act; that is to
say, bounded on the north by a line, (bound on the north by a
line) drawn parallel with Baltimore street in the said city,
through a point one mile and an half due north from the centre
of Baltimore and Calvert streets in the said city, and extending
eastwardly some hundred perches from the said point to a public
road passing from the Philadelphia post road, between the
dwellings of Amos Loney, Thomas Worthington, and others,
and westwardly six hundred and forty perches from the same
point, on the east, by a line binding on the east side of said
load, to the Philadelphia post road, and from the Philadelphia
post road, by a straight line, to the northeast corner of the