shillings, in Somerset county a sum not exceeding two shil-
lings, in Cecil county a sum not exceeding six shillings, in
Kent county a sum not exceeding three shillings and six-pence,
on every hundred pounds of assessable property in said coun-
ties; and the justices of the peace for Anne Arundel and Wash-
ington counties, shall in the same manner levy on their respec-
tive counties a sum of money as follows, viz : In Anne Arundel
county a sum not exceeding four shillings, and in Washington
county a sum not exceeding seven shillings and six pence, in
every hundred pounds of assessable property in said counties,
the same to be laid out, expended and appropriated, as by said
original act, and this supplement, is directed.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted. That the justices of the levy
Justices to
court of Washington county, or a majority of them, at their an-
money's, &c.
nual meeting, shall have full power and authority to appropriate
all the moneys raised by virtue of this or any former act, and
which is not already expended on any of the public roads in
the said county, in such manner and on such public roads in
the said county as they in their judgment shall think proper,
any thing in the act to which this is a supplement, and the act,
entitled, an act to straighten and amend the several public roads
in several counties, and for other purposes therein mentioned,
passed at November session, seventeen hundred and ninety,* to
*Ch. 32.
the contrary notwithstanding.
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That the justices of the levy
And to con-
court in the respective counties of Baltimore, Talbot, Somerset,
tract, &c.
Cecil, Prince George's, Frederick, Montgomery, Kent, Anne
Aruudel and Washington, shall have full power to contract
with any person or persons for the opening or clearing any
road hereafter laid out, or to be laid out, in their respective
counties, and for the improving and keeping in repair any road,
or such part thereof, and for such length of time during the
existence of this law, as in their judgment shall seem most
advisable, and for the interest of the county; and where any
peison or persons shall contract for the keeping in repair of any
public road iu virtue of this act, and shall neglect to keep the
same in such repair as it is the duty of the supervisors by law
to do, then such person or persons so contracting shall be sub-
ject to the same penalty as supervisors of public roads in like
cases now are, to be recovered and applied in the same manner;
and every person or persons so contracting with the justices of
the levy court in any county of this state, shall give bond to
the state of Maryland, with such security as the justices of the
levy court shall approve of, and in such sum or penalty as they
shall require, for the performance of such contract, and such
contractors shall have and exercise all the powers which super-
visors of public roads now have or may or can exercise in virtue
of the act to which this is a supplement.