selling of strong liquors, on the land purchased in any of the
counties aforesaid for the use of an alms and work-house, or
shall commit any kind of trespass thereon, or shall sell or dis-
pose of any strong liquor, or other matter or thing whatsoever,
to any poor, or other person entertained in such alms and work-
house, shall, for every such offence, forfeit and pay the sum of
ten pounds current money.
SEC. 22. And be it further enacted, That all and every the
pains, penalties and forfeitures, herein before by this act directed
&c. how to
be recover-
and inflicted, shall and may be recovered in any court of record
ed, Sec.
within this province, by action of debt, founded on this act, or
indictment, wherein no essoin, protection or wager of law, or
more than one imparlance, shall be allowed, any thing in this
act herein before contained to the contrary thereof in anywise
notwithstanding, one moiety to the informer, the other moiety
to the use of the alms and work-house where such recoveries
shall be had and obtained; in which actions of debt it shall be
sufficient for the plaintiff to allege, that the defendant or defen-
dants are indebted to the plaintiff the sums of money or to-
bacco by this act directed and inflicted, whereby the plaintiff's
action accrued to him, according to the form of this act of as-
sembly, without setting forth the special matter; Provided, a
short note, expressing the cause of action, be lodged in the office
at the time of issuing the writ.
SEC. 23. And be U further enacted, That all sheriffs, bailiffs,
constables, and all other officers and ministers of justice, shall
&c. to aid
be aiding and assisting to the said trustees for the poor in each
of the said counties, and to all such officers as shall be employed
by them, as by this act is directed, in the execution and per-
formance of the said service.
SEC. 24. And be it further enacted, That if any person or
persons shall, at any time or times, be sued or prosecuted for any
issue plead-
matter or thing by him or them done and executed in pursuance
and execution of this act, or of any matter or thing in this act
contained, such person or persons shall and may plead the
general issue, and give this act and the special matter in evi-
dence for his or their defence; and if upon trial a verdict shall
pass for the defendant or defendants, or if the plaintiff or plain-
tiffs shall become non-suited, or discontinue his or their suit,
then such defendant or defendants shall have and recover treble
costs to him or them awarded against such plaintiff or plaintiffs,
and if the plaintiff or plaintiffs is or are unable to satisfy the
same, then it shall be paid and satisfied by the attorney who
brought such suit, unless the plaintiff or plaintiffs shall give
security for the costs, to be approved of by the court in which
such suit is brought.
SEC. 25. And, to prevent individuals being unreasonably
A trustee to
be elected
burthened with the execution of this act, as trustees for the