corporate respectively, if upon hearing the party he shall adjudge
the complaint to be well founded, to commit such disorderly
person, residing within the said county, city or town corporate
respectively, to the said work house, for any tune not exceeding
three months, unless he or she shall find security, at the discre-
tion of the magistrate aforesaid, in any sum not exceeding
twenty pounds current money, for his or her good behaviour,
and more orderly demeanor, during the space of six months ;
and also upon complaint and due proof made, by any one trustee
for the poor, or any overseer of any alms and work-house, to any
one magistrate of the said county, city or town corporate, that
any person in the said work-house hath behaved and demeaned
him or herself in a disordely manner, or hath refused or neglected
to do and perform his or her daily labour and task, or hath re-
fused or neglected to obey, keep and observe, any of the ordi-
nances, rules and by laws of the said corporation, to order and
direct such moderate and proper correction, not exceeding thirty-
nine lashes for any one oflence, to be given to such offender, as
the nature of the case shall require.
SFC. 17. And be it further enacted. That it shall and may be
Trustees to
lawful to and for iny of the said trustees to direct and appoint,
direct, &c.
under their hand, in writing, what poor shall be received into such
alms and work-house ; and it shall and may be lawful for anyone
justice of the peace for any one county, city or town corporate,
and for any person authorized and appointed by such justice, to
apprehend, or cause to be apprehended, any rogues, vagrants,
vagabonds, beggars, and other idle, dissolute and disorderly
persons, found loitering or residing in the said county, city or
town corporate, who follow no labour, trade, occupation or
business, and have no visible means of subsistence whereby to
acquire an honest livelihood, there to be kept at hard labour for
any term not exceeding three months ; and the overseer of such
alms and work house is hereby required to receive any poor,
appointed as aforesaid to be received, and any rogue, vagrant,
vagabond, beggar, and other idle, dissolute and disorderly per-
sons, so as aforesaid committed, and employ them according to
the tenor of such commitment
SFC. IS And, to restrain poor people from going or removing
Poor may
from one county to another, Be it further enacted, That it shall
and may be lawful for any one justice of the peace, by warrrant
be removed,
under his hand and seal, to remove and convey such person to
such county where he or she was last legally settled, either as
a native, householder, apprentice or servant, unless he or she
find sufficient security, to be allowed by the said justice, for
good behaviour and discharge of the said county ; and if any
person be removed by virtue of this act from one county to
another, under the hand and seal of any one justice of the peace,