25 cents
per day.
SEO. 1. Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That from and after the passage of this act it shall and may be
lawful for the sheriff of Anne Arundel county to ask, demand
and receive for keeping each prisoner in gaol and finding him
or her in victuals, twenty-five cents per day, and no more, to
be levied and collected as heretofore, any law or usage to the
contrary notwithstanding.
$175 cts.
per week
for debtors
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That in lieu of the sum of eighty-
seven and a half cents per week, which the said sheriff is now
entitled to receive for the support and maintenance of every
debtor arrested on a capias ad satisfaciendum, it shall and may
be lawful for said sheriff to demand and receive the sum of one
dollar and seventy-five cents per week, to be paid according to
the provisions of an act, entitled, (an act, entitled,) an act to pro-
vide for the support and maintenance of debtors actually con-
fined in prison, passed at December session, eighteen hundred
and twenty.
AN ACT relating to Division Fences between different Proprietors in Anne
Arundel County. -1826, ch. 154.
SEC. 1. Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That from and after the first day of May next, all fences con-
structed upon, or near the dividing line or lines, of tracts of land
belonging to different proprietors, and intended to enclose the
separate farms or plantations of such proprietors, in Anne Arun-
del county, who have or may agree to join in making the same,
if made of posts and rails shall be at least four feet high from
the surface of the ground, of good materials, and the average
distance between the three lower rails not to exceed four inches ;
all worm division fences to be made of good and substantial
rails, staked and ridered, and at least five feet high from the
surface of the ground to the top of the upper rail ; all other divi-
sion fences of stone, to be four feet high, and if of wood, or
embankment and wood, or hedges of thorn close and well set,
to be at least five feet high ; and all division brush fences, made
upon embankment, to be at least three feet high, and the
embankment to be not less than two feet high.
Expenses to
be divided
parties in-
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That all division fences to be made
as aforesaid, shall be kept in good repair, and the labour and cost
of making the same shall be equally divided among the parties
interested ; and if either party shall neglect 10 make or keep in
good repair, his, her or their part or portion of said division