hands of whom it may be placed, shall cause the said consta-
ble so placing his docket in the hands of said chief justice, to
endorse thereon the following affidavit: Maryland, Anne Arun-
del county, set. personally appeared before me, chief justice of
the magistrates' court for the —— election distiict in Anne
Arundei county, A. B. one of the constables theieof, and made
oath on the Holy Evangely of Almighty God, that the docket
returned and placed in the hands of —— chief justice of the
—— election distnct iu said county, is a true and faithful
record of all proceedings and business placed in his hands
during the year for which said docket has been kept.
Case of
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That if any constable or consta-
neglect of
bles, appointed under the provisions of this act, shall fail, ne
gleet or refuse to keep, return or place in the hands of the chief
justice of the magistrates' court for the election district in which
he is appointed, the said constable or constables so refusing,
neglecting or failing to comply with the provisions of this act,
shall forfeit and pay over to the said chief justice of the election
Liable to
district for which he may be appointed, the sum of fifty dollars,
$50 penalty.
to be recovered as debts are now recovered before the magis-
trates' courts in said county, and applied or accounted for in
the same manner as all other money is accounted for under the
provisions of the law now regulating magistrates' courts in said
12} eta for
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That whenever any person or
persons shall place or cause to be placed in the hand* of any
constable in any of the several election districts in said county,
any account, bond, bill, note or other evidence of debt, or any
warrant, wnt or execution, or any process which said constable
rnay be by the laws of this slate authorized and obliged to
eei ve, on taking or receiving a receipt therefor, shall pay to the
said constable the sum of twelve and a half cents as a compen-
sation for making docket entry and receipting therefor.
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That the constable's docket so
docket how
disposed of.
filed and returned, to the chief justice of the magistrates' court
for the district for which the said constable doth act, shall be
kept by the said court for the purpose of giving or furnishing
transcripts to any person or persons who may desue the same;
and the said chief justice or either of the associate justices shall
be allowed, and are hereby authorized to charge and receive,
12 1/2 cts for
for a transcript given to any person or persons, the sum of
twelve and a half cents.