public notice of such re-consideration and re-examination shall
be given by the clerk of said commissioners to the person or per*
sons, or body corporate, whose property shall be so re-considered,
that each party may be fully heard.
SEC. 13. And be it enacted, That if the said commissioners
omitted or
shall hereafter discover real or personal property which has not
ly acquired
been taxed, or if any person shall acquire real property hereafter,
to be valued
and assessed
within the limits of said county, which is not taxed, that in that
case the said commissioners shall be, and they are hereby
authorized to fix such valuation upon said property as is just
and right; and when property is taxed, which ought not to be,
to take off the taxation from such property.
SEC. 14. And be it enacted, That the clerk of Allegany
county be, and he is hereby authorized and directed to have this
act published in the newspapers printed in Allegany county,
forthwith, for four successive weeks, the cost whereof shall bo
levied and collected as other county charges are.
AN ACT to cause the owners of Mills, at or near to the Public Roads, in
Dorchester and Allegany Counties, to erect Side Ratlings on Bridges,
which they may have placed, or shall hereafter place on said roads —
1832, ch. 118.
Duty pre-
SEC. 1. lie it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That from and after the first day of September next, it shall be
the duty of any owner or holder, in his own right, of any grist or
saw mill or mills, in Dorchester and Allegany counties, at, upon
or near to any public road or roads, across which said road or
roads, any branch or branches, stream or streams of water
leading to or from said mill or mills may pass, where there now
is or may hereafter be placed or built any bridge or bridges
across said road or roads, to cause to be placed or built on all
such bridge or bridges, good and sufficient posts and side railings,
and the same from time to time to keep in good order and re-
pair in the following manner, to wit : the posts shall be at least
six inches square, and not less than three feet six inches high,
to be placed eight feet a part on each side of said bridge or
bridges, and to place a good and substantial side railing on the
top of said posts, with mortice and tennon, which said railing
shall be at least four inches square.
Penalty for
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That any person or persons,
holding or owning any mill or mills as aforesaid, who shall
neglect or refuse to erect, agreeably to the provisions of this act,
good and sufficient posts and side railings, on all such bridge
or bridges as aforesaid, shall forfeit and pay for the first offence
the sum of five dollars, and the like sum for every week such