affirmation} as the case may be, that he will diligently, faith-
fully and truly execute and discharge the duties of an assessor,
and will faithfully and impartially value all property, which ho
shall be appointed to value, according to the best of his skill and
judgment, at its full cash value, as if the same were clear of all
incumbrance, and that he will perform and fulfil all the requisi-
tions of this act, as far as the same shall appertain to the proper
duties of his appointment, which said oath, or affirmation, shall
be administered by any justice of the peace of said county, and
a memorandum of the same shall be recorded among the pro-
ceedings of the commissioners of said county.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That no person whose property
not assessed
to f 50, ex-
empt from
shall not be assessed to the amount of fifty dollars, shall be
liable for, or chargeable with any tax, assessment or charge to
be imposed, in virtue of this act.
returns of
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That the said assessors shall make
land, ne-
out separate and distinct returns and certificates of the lands
groet and
other pro-
and negroes, and the value of all other taxable property, which
returns and certificates shall be recorded separately in a well
To be re-
bound book, to be provided for the purpose, for each district.
Owners &c.
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That any person owning property,
shall give
full account
real or personal, or having charge of such, as guardian or agent,
of the pro-
shall deliver to the said assessor or assessors, when required, a
true account of all such property owned by him, her or them, or
Penalty for
under his, her or their care and Management, and if any person
or persons, owning or having the care or charge of such pro-
perty as aforesaid, shall wilfully neglect or refuse to give such
statement, with a view to lessen the same, he, she or they, shall
Double tax.
pay double the tax on the real value of such property.
Every per-
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That every person or persons,
son when
shall give
when required by the said assessors, shall give them a full and
particular account of his, her or their real and personal estate,
full account
of property.
and all the real and personal estate, under his, her or their
management, or in his, her or their possession, liable to assess-
ment; the person to whom the same belongs, and the district
in which the same may be, and if any person or persons shall
Penalty for
refuse, or after reasonable notice, shall neglect to render such
neglect or
refusal $50.
account, he, she or they shall forfeit and pay, for the use of said
county, the sum of fifty dollars, to be collected by suit iti the
name of the commissioners of said county against such person
or persons so refusing or neglecting, and the assessors, from the
shall then
best information they can obtain, shall value the said property,
and shall certify to the commissioners the property so valued,
and also the said refusal or neglect, and the said commissioners
Double as-
shall double the assessment of such person or persons, and if
any person or persons shall give in a partial account of his, her
or their real and personal property, or of the real and personal