assembly is in session, any act of assembly, certified by the
clerk of the senate and house of delegates, shall be deemed
and taken as duly authenticated ; Provided, the secretary of
Great Mat,
state of this state, shall also certify under the great seal of the
and certifi-
cate of sec.
state, that the said persons whose names appear to said certifi-
of state.
cate, were, at the time the said certificates were made, the
clerks of the senate and house of delegates respectively, which
said certificate it shall be the duty of the said secretary to make,
whenever required.
AN ACT entitled, a Supplement to an Act, entitled, an Act to Incorporate
certain persons, in every Christian Church and Congregation in this State.
WHEREAS, it has been represented to this general assembly,
that there are within the limits of the state of Maryland, a
number of houses of worship, with lots of land used as burying
grounds, attached to them, which property is held in trust for
such purposes, and doubts and difficulties have arisen, respect-
ing the proper method of perpetuating the said trusts according
to the provisions of the deeds whereby they were created, for
the purpose therefore of removing such doubts and difficulties,
and as it is the design of the act, and the several supplements
thereto, of the act to which this is a supplement, to afford the
means of perpetuating such trusts : therefore,
SEC. 1. Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland,
In case of
That from and after the passage of this act, whenever any pro-
being con-
perty has been, or shall hereafter be conveyed to trustees, for the
use and benefit of any unincorporated church or congregation,
veyed in
trust for
church or
which now exists, or may hereafter exist in this state, in order
to be used for the purposes of worship and as burying grounds,
or for either of these purposes, it shall and may be lawful for
any trustee, who may be desirous of renouncing his trust, to
may de-
nounce his
effect that object by signifying such his wish and intention, to
the remaining trustee or trustees, by writing under his hand and
In writing.
seal, setting forth that he has determined to cease to be a trus-
tee, and relinquishing his right in the trust property to the re-
maining trustee or trustees.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That on the receipt of such re-
signation and release, it shall and may be lawful for the remain-
may fill the
ing trustee or trustees, to fill the vacancy or vacancies, occa-
sioned by such resignation or resignations, in the same manner
as if the resigning trustee or trustees had ceased to be a trustee
or trustees, according to the provisions of the deed creating the
trust; Provided however, that if a different mode of filling any
vacancy or vacancies in the board of trustees, be prescribed in
the deed creating the trust, and on the filling up of said vacancy
or vancancies, the new trustee or trustees shall be seized of the