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Clement Dorsey. The general public statutory law and public local law of the state of Maryland : from the year 1692 to 1839 inclusive, with annotations thereto,and a copious index.
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Article 9. Matron. — The matron shall attend at all times,


and reside in the prison, except when allowed to go out by the


warden. The rules and regulations for the government of the


men are to bo enforced among the women ; and they are to per-


form such work, under the matron's superintendence, as the


warden may direct.


Article 10. Visiters. — No person shall be permitted to visit


the penitentiary except on business, and this shall be transacted


in the front building, or unless he have a written permission, as


the directors may prescribe, or unless he be a member of the


legislature, for the time being, governor, secretary of state, judge


of a court of record, attorney-general, or one of his deputies,


members of a city corporation in the state, or sheriffs, or grand


jurors. Visitors shall hold no communication with the con-


victs, except by permission, and in the presence of an officer,


nor receive nor give any thing from or to them. And the prac-


tice of visiting the convicts shall be discountenanced as much


sis possible.


Article 11. Convicts. — The convicts shall be cleansed on their


admission, and furnished with suitable and comfortable clothing


of such pattern and description, and to be changed as often as


the directors may designate. They shall be put to hard labour


every day in the year, except Sunday and Christmas day, and


when Christmas falls on Sunday, then the next Monday, and


their time so employed as to be most advantageous. In no

Breach of

cases shall offences against order and discipline be overlooked,


but shall be promptly punished. They shall be allowed the


means of communicating in writing to the board, who shall


inquire into their complaints and give proper attention to the


subject matter of their addresses. Good conduct and industry


shall be encouraged by favourable reports to the board; but in


no case shall any hope of pardon or favour be held out to them.


The men and women shall always be kept separate, the former


to be locked at night separate in the east wing, and the latter


to be kept as much as possible from each other in their proper


department. The slops and offal of the prison shall be sold, or


used in raising hogs or other stock, for the use of the house ;


and none of the officers shall be allowed to raise stock of any


kind within the walls. The ground within the prison walls


may be cultivated for the use of the prison, under the direction


of the wardens, for the purpose of keeping down unhealthy ex-


halations from weeds, rubbish, et cetera. The warden may keep


a horse and cow for his own use, to be attended by his own ser-

horse and

vants and fed at his own expense. The walls and houses must


be whitewashed at least three times a year. The convicts shall

Meals pre-

have three meals a day, consisting in all of one and a quarter


pounds of flour, three-quarters of a pound of beef or a half pound




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Clement Dorsey. The general public statutory law and public local law of the state of Maryland : from the year 1692 to 1839 inclusive, with annotations thereto,and a copious index.
Volume 141, Page 1277   View pdf image (33K)
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