to direct the management of the concerns of the prison, and to
see that all the laws and rules and regulations, in relation
thereto, are obeyed and observed by all connected with the
Auburn dis-
institution, for the purpose of enforcing the Auburn system of
prison discipline. They may make and establish such rules
and regulations for the management of the institution, or assign
to any of the officers, any duty, not inconsistent with the laws
of the state and the rules and regulations herein prescribed, and
Rules and
may also alter these rules and regulations ; Provided, that the
said changes be made known to the executive in their annual
report, and unless confirmed by the legislature, they shall not
afterwards be enforced. At each monthly meeting they shall
appoint one or more of their number, who shall constitute a
monthly committee to visit the prison at least once a week,
until the next monthly meeting, to examine into the conduct
of the officers, and inspect the management of the institution,
and to whom reference may be made, by the warden and other
officers, for advice or aid in cases of emergency, and must repre-
sent the board at all times when not iu session. They must
report monthly to the board of directors, in writing, concerning
the condition and police of the prison, and make such sugges-
tions as they may deem proper; upon the performance of this
duty, much depends in the enforcement of discipline, and they
are expected to pay strict attention to this service.
Article 2. Agents. — One, or both of the agents shall attend
at the prison at least two hours every day, except Sunday.
They shall have the superintendence of the financial, commer-
cial and manufacturing operations of the institution, and make
all purchases and sales of materials and manufactures, subject
to the direction of the board of directors, and shall not in any
manner be concerned iu its police or discipline. They shall
weekly examine the cash and credit transactions of the house;
must furnish the directors, at their monthly meetings, with a
statement of the mouth's operations with the proper vouchers,
who shall approve or reject said accounts, and if necessary,
inquire into the subject matter. They shall also report to the
board of directors any misconduct of any officer of the house,
in reference to its commercial, financial or manufacturing af-
fairs; and in their receipts and disbursements, shall observe the
following directions, viz : Each note to be endorsed by the
ment of
clerk, as heretofore, but for the future to be endorsed also by
the agents, or either of them, in countersign, before the same
may be negotiated. The agents, or either of them, at the time
of such endorsement, to see that each note is properly entered
in the bill book, and then to note in a column prepared for the
Mode of
purpose, or otherwise, the act of endorsement. The clerk to
pay all debts due by the institution as heretofore, under check