AN ACT relating to Chancery Proceedings.
Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
Relative CO
from and after the passage of this act, it shall not be necessary
to trustees*
or required of any mortgagee or his assignees, in any proceed-
ings in the courts of equity in this state, to foreclose any mort-
gage, or obtain a sale of the mortgaged property for the payment
of the mortgaged debt, in any case where an infant shall be
interested, to give bond as heretofore required by the provisions
of the second section of the act passed at the November session
of the general assembly of this state, in the year seventeen hun-
dred and eighty-five, chapter seventy-two, any thing therein
contained to the contrary thereof in any wise notwithstanding.
AN AcT to continue in force the Acts of Assembly which would expire
with the present session of the General Assembly.
Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
all such acts or parts of acts, as would expire with the present
session of the general assembly, be, and the same are hereby
re-enacted and continued in force to the last Monday of Decem-
ber next, and to the end of the session of the general assembly
thereafter ; Provided however, that this act shall not extend to
any acts or parts of acts, which shall have been repealed, or
in any wise modified at the present session of the general
A SUPPLEMENT to the ACT to invest the State's share of the Surplus
Revenue of the United States, and for other purposes.
SEC. 1. Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland,
Money de-
That the moneys now in deposite in the Union Bank of Mary-
land, and the Franklin Bank of Baltimore, in virtue of the
provisions of the act to invest the state's share of the surplus
revenue of the United States, and for other purposes, passed at
December session, eighteen hundred and thirty-six, chapter two
hundred and twenty, shall be deposited in some incorporated
bank or banks in Baltimore, or elsewhere in this state, at the
discretion of the treasurer for the western shore, upon condition
that such bank or banks shall pay an interest of not less than
five per cent, per annum, and give such security for the repay-
ment thereof, as to the said treasurer shall appear sufficient,
5 per cent.
subject to the future control and operation of the next general
assembly ; and the interest thereon, after deducting the sum of
one thousand dollars per annum, which is otherwise appropri-
ated by an act of the present session, entitled, an act to provide
for the instruction of indigent blind persons in this state, shall