son, or persons, or authorities in each, now authorized to draw
for and receive their respective quotas of the free school fund,
the respective proportions of the said counties and city, of the
interest derived and to be derived from the said surplus revenue
of the United States.
AN ACT for the Preservation of Fish and Wild Fowl in the Patuxent and
Wicomico Rivers, and their tributaries.
SEC. 1. Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland,
Erection of
That from and after the passage of this act, it shall not be law-
gill nets
prohibited. t
ful for any persons or person, except the citizens residing in the
counties bordering on said rivers, and their tributaries, or who
may be permitted to do so, by persons owning or occupying
lands on said rivers, or their tributaries, hereafter to erect or
cause to be erected or fixed, in any of the water courses within
this state, which are connected with the Patuxent or Wicomico
rivers, or in either of said rivers, any gill net, seine or other ob-
structions, and every person so offending, and being thereof
convicted before a justice of the peace or magistrates' court of
any county adjoining the water course in which the offence has
been committed, shall forthwith pay the sum of twenty dollars,
and he shall moreover be deemed guilty of a nuisance, and the
justice of the peace or magistrates' court shall cause the obstruc-
tion to be abated ; and in case the offender shall fail to pay the
On failing
fine aforesaid, he shall be committed by said justice of the
to pay.
peace or magistrates' court, to the public jail of the county,
there to remain for thirty days, unless the said fine of twenty
dollars be sooner discharged.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That no person shall hereafter,
Shooting at
in any of the waters of the Patuxent or Wicomico rivers, or
wild fowl
at night
any of their tributary streams, shoot at wild fowl during the
night time with a gun of any description, unless it be from the
land, or a blind fixed on some bar in said waters; nor shall any
Or with
person at any time, either in the day or in the night, shoot any
large gun.
description of gun from skiffs or other boats, or from floats,
which may not be conveniently discharged from the shoulder,
at arm's length, without a rest; and any person convicted of a
violation of this act, before any justice of the peace or magis-
trates' court of any county adjoining the waters or water courses
in which the offence may be committed, shall forthwith surren-
der his gun to the justice of the peace or magistrates' court, who
shall cause the same to be sold, and shall in addition to the for-
feiture of the gun as herein provided for, be fined by said jus-
tice of the peace, or magistrates' court, the sum of one hundred
dollars for every such violation, and on his failure to pay the
said sum to the said justice of the peace or magistrates' court,