some disinterested person, in cases where publication by notices
at public places, may be necessary, that said notice or notices
were put up agreeably to the provisions of the sixth section of
this act, may and shall be filed with the clerk directing the
same, and shall be evidence of the facts therein contained ; and
the clerks of the several county courts in which any registries
shall be made or papers filed under the provisions of this act,
shall be entitled to such sum or sums for recording and filing
the same, as they are entitled to for other records.
Renewal of
such part.-
SEC. 9. And be it enacted, That every renewal or conti-
nuance of such partnership, beyond the time originally fixed
for its duration, shall be certified, acknowledged and recorded,
and an affidavit of a general partner be made and filed, and
notice be given in the manner herein required for its original
formation ; and every such partnership which shall be other-
wise renewed or continued shall be deemed a general partner-
Any altera-
tion in
capital, &c.
deemed a
and re-
solved into
SEC. 10. And be it enacted, That every alteration which
shall be made in the names of the partners, in the nature of the
business, or in the capital or shares thereof, or in any other
matter specified in the original certificate, shall be deemed a
dissolution of the partnership; and every such partnership which
shall in any manner be carried on after any such alteration
shall have been made, shall be deemed a general partnership,
unless renewed as a special partnership, according to the provi-
sions of the last section.
The firm.
SEC. 11. And be it enacted, That the business of the partner-
ship shall be conducted under a firm in which the names of the
general partners only, shall be inserted, without the addition of
the word company or any other general term, and if the name
of any special partner shall be used in such firm with his pri-
vity, he shall be deemed a general partner, and the general
partners only shall transact the business of the partnership, and
if a special partner shall interfere contrary to this provision, he
shall bo deemed a general partner, but he may from time to
time examine into the state and progress of the partnership
concerns and advise as to their management.
ing capital
SEC. 12. And be it enacted, That no part of the sum which
any special partner shall have contributed to the capital stock
shall be withdrawn by him, or paid or transferred to him in the
shape of dividends, profits or otherwise, at any time during the
continuance of the partnership, but any partner may annually
receive lawful interest on the sum so contributed by him, if the
payment of such interest shall not reduce the original amount
of such capital; and if after the payment of such interest any
profits shall remain to be divided he may also receive his portion
of such profits.