judge of the court of appeals, in a penalty, and with the condi-
tion to be prescribed by such judge, and the same after being
approved, shall be filed in the court from whose order or deci-
sion the appeal shall be taken ; Provided however, that in all
cases where an injunction shall be granted, or a receiver
appointed, it shall be competent for the court of chancery, or
a county court, as aforesaid, to require bond with security,
approved by the court, to be given by the plaintiffs, in such
penalty and form, and with such condition in reference to the
case, as the court may determine, or to accept from the plain-
tiffs any bond with security, in penalty, form and condition,
approved by the court, which may be proffered by the plaintiffs
to the court.
AN ACT relating to the several Schools, Academies, and Colleges, receiving
donations in this State.
SEC. 1. Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That from and after the passage of this act, the trustees or other
person or persons, or bodies corporate of the several schools,
academies, and colleges in this state, which receive donations
from this state, shall, and it shall be their duty to report to the
treasurer of the western shore, on or before the twentieth day
of January in each and every year, an accurate account of the
proceedings, together with the situation of their several insti-
Report to
W. Shore.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That all trustees or other person
or persons, or bodies corporate of the several schools, academies,
and colleges, as aforesaid, who may refuse or neglect, after
having been required so to do, to comply with the requisitions
of the act of assembly, passed at December session, eighteen
hundred and thirty three, chapter one hundred and forty-one,
requiring said institutions to educate and furnish books to at
least one poor child for each hundred dollars received, then in
that case, the treasurer of the western shore is authorized, and
it shall be his duty to withhold said donation until the requisi-
tions of said act shall be complied with.
In case of
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the treasurer of the western
shore is hereby required to transmit all such reports to the legis-
lature, during the month of January annually, any law to the
contrary notwithstanding.
To transmit
A SUPPLEMENT to the ACT, entitled, an Act to declare and ascertain the
Right of Citizens of this State to private Roads or Ways.
Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
where any private road or way has been, or shall be allowed to
Rail road