review thereof, whereupon the court may provide for the ap-
ment by
praisement aforesaid by jury trial, and order jurors to be sum-
moned in number and according to the rules practised in jury
trials in actions in said court, and may pass such orders as to
the period and conduct of such trial as to the court may seem
proper, and exercise the same discretion as to new trials, after
verdict or verdicts in the premises as is exercised in actions
aforesaid, and the court upon final verdict of the jury on the
premises, shall confirm the said verdict for such amount of
damages as thereby shall be found, with costs of the proceed-
If infant is
Duty of
ings and reasonable expenses to be paid by the state ; and it
shall be the duty of the court, where an infant shall appear by
the return aforesaid or otherwise, to be interested in said lands
or materials, with or without objection aforesaid, and with or
without an application to that effect, to have the appraisement
reviewed as aforesaid by a jury trial in manner aforesaid, and
to confirm the final verdict as aforesaid in the premises, for
such amount of damages as it shall find, with costs and ex-
Power of,
to contract.
penses aforesaid; and the said superintendent is also hereby
empowered to contract and agree with the owner or owners of
any lands adjoining or near to any gate, for the right and per-
mission to construct or interpose any obstructions upon such
lands as may be found necessary to secure such gates against
evasion ; and said superintendent is hereby authorized to pay a
reasonable sum for such privileges, or grant therefor the use of
said road, free of lolls, to the owner or occupant of such lands.
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That the superintendent of said
road, report regularly to the commissioners of Allegany county,
at each of their stated meetings, a full statement of the condi-
tion of said road, the amount of tolls received, and the amount
expended on account of said road, and what balance, if any in
hand ; and it shall be the duty of the said commissioners, to
transmit said reports immediately to the treasurer of the western
shore, to be submitted by him to the legislature.
SEC. 6. And be it enacted. That all such parts of the origi-
nal act, to which this is a supplement, as are inconsistent with
the provisions of this act, be, and the same are hereby repealed.
How far act
SEC. 7. And be it enacted, That both branches of the road
constructed by the United States, from the town of Cumber-
land, to the point at which they intersect, shall be considered
part of the United States' road, within the state of Maryland,
until the new location on part of said road shall be completed,
then to apply only to the new location, but that tolls shall still
continue to be charged upon the old road, to which all such and
every of the provisions of this act, and the original act to which
this is a supplement, shall extend alike, and apply equally as to
other parts of the road,
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