costs, for the recovery thereof the said court may issue execu-
tion by capias ad satisfaciendum, or fieri facias, in the name of
the state of Maryland, against the party convicted, directed to
the sheriff of the county, and returnable to the county court at
May issue
the next succeeding term, or may commit the party to the jail
of the county until the same be paid, and it shall be the duty
Or commit
of the said district court, to give certificates to each and every
person, to whom any part of the said costs may be due, either
for attendance as a witness, for serving process, or otherwise, of
the respective portions due to them of the said costs, upon
to witnesses
which the said sheriff shall be authorized and required to
pay over all such portions of the cost when collected, to the
persons so entitled to receive the same, but in case the party
sheriff to
Pay over
accused shall be acquitted, or be insolvent, all such costs shall
be taxed up against the county, and upon such certificates as
aforesaid, to be made and delivered to the persons entitled to
But in case
of acquital
receive the same, the levy court, or commissioners of the
county, are hereby required to levy the several sums in the
county charges, for and in the name of the several persons
Levy di-
holding such certificates; Provided however, that the said court
shall not exercise the criminal jurisdiction aforesaid in any case
when the attorney-general or his deputy for the judicial district
in which the court may be, or any other person authorized by
the said court to prosecute in behalf of the state, in the particu-
lar case, shall dissent from the court's exercising the same, and
shall in writing express such dissent to the court, before the
particular case shall have been tried, unless the three judges of
said court shall unanimously determine, notwithstanding such
dissent, to take cognizance of such case.
case of
states attor-
SEC. 9. And be it enacted, That at the session of the said dis-
trict courts, held as herein before provided, the said court or any
one justice thereof in the absence of the others, shall have
power to adjourn at discretion from day to day, until the busi-
ness before them is discharged, or to the next monthly meeting
of the said court, and the chief justice of the said court, or pre-
Case of
ance of jus-
tices; ad-
journ court.
siding justice, shall proclaim the opening and closing and the
adjournments of the said court, in the presence and hearing of
such persons as may be present, and enter the same in a minute
book to be kept for that purpose ; and the said district court
shall have power and authority to punish by fine and imprison-
ment, all persons who shall interrupt the proceedings of the
same by violence or disorder in their immediate presence ; and
when none of the said justices shall attend at any monthly
meeting, or on any clay during any session at a monthly meet-
ing, the court shall be considered as adjourned from day to day
until a meeting shall take place as aforesaid, either during such
session or on the day for the next monthly meeting, and the
Case of