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Clement Dorsey. The general public statutory law and public local law of the state of Maryland : from the year 1692 to 1839 inclusive, with annotations thereto,and a copious index.
Volume 141, Page 1201   View pdf image (33K)
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summons for a witness, to appear and testify before the said
court, it appear that such witness hath been duly summoned
and doih not appear, it shall be lawful for the said chief justice
or presiding justice, unless good and sufficient cause be shown
to the contrary, to issue an attachment against such witness, to
compel his or her attendance.

Compel at-

SEC. 7. And be it enacted, That it shall be the duty of the
chief justice of the said district court, or in his absence, of the
next named justice of the same court sitting, to make regular

to keep

and fair entries or minutes, in a docket to be kept for that pur-
pose, of all cases, suits or actions and complaints, brought be-
fore the said court Upon process, previously issued by any one
of the said justices as aforesaid, or otherwise, and it shall be


the duty of each of the said district justices to make and keep
a docket of fair and accurate entries or minutes of all and every
original process, writ, or summons, issued by him as aforesaid,
for compelling the appearance of parties or witnesses before the
said court, particularly specifying the days and times of issuing
the same, and the precise names of the parties or witnesses
named therein, and the days when returnable, and to what con-
stable directed, which said docket and entries, or minutes, shall

justice to
keep a

be regularly produced by the said justice before the said district
court, at its sittings, and so much thereof as may be necessary,
shall be transferred to the docket of the said district court, by
the chief justice, or in his absence by the next named presiding
justice, so that a full docket may be made, in the manner herein
before directed, of all cases, suits, actions, complaints, pleas,
and subpoenas and attachments, intended to be brought or re-
turned before the said district court, and upon the final decision

To be pro-
duced and
the entries

of any such case, an entry shall be made in the said docket by
the chief justice, or in case of his absence by the presiding jus-
tice, of the final judgment of the court, which shall specify and
declare the true parties to the case, the date of the judgment,
the principal debt or damage, the time from which interest is
awarded, and the costs taxed and adjudged ; and it shall be the
duty of every such chief justice safely to keep and preserve the
said docket of the judgments rendered by the said district court,

Entries of
final judg-
ment di-

and transmit the same to his successor in office; but in case the
said chief justice shall at any time be unable to attend the sit-
ting of the said district court, he shall cause the said docket of
judgments to be delivered for the time being into the possession
of the justice next named in the commission, whose duty it

over of said

shall be to keep and preserve the same, and after the sittings of
the sard court shall have been ended, carefully return the same
to the said chief justice for safe keeping, and if any person shall
wilfully alter any part of the entries or judgments contained in

Persons al-
tering en-
tries deem-
ed guilty of



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Clement Dorsey. The general public statutory law and public local law of the state of Maryland : from the year 1692 to 1839 inclusive, with annotations thereto,and a copious index.
Volume 141, Page 1201   View pdf image (33K)
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