AN ACT to prohibit the Sale of Intoxicating Liquors upon the Sabbath Day.
Sale pro-
SEC. 1. Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That from and after the first day of May, next ensuing the pas-
sage of this act, it shall not be lawful for any person or persons,
within this state, to sell, dispose of, or barter, any spirituous or
fermented liquors, or cordials of any kind, in any quantity what-
ever, on the Sabbath day, commonly called Sunday ; and that
any person or persons, who shall offend against the provisions
of this act, shall be liable to indictment in any court of this
state, having criminal jurisdiction, and upon conviction thereof,
shall be fined a sum not less than twenty-dollars, nor more than
one hundred dollars, at the discretion of the court ; Provided
nevertheless, that the prohibitions in this act shall not be con-
strued to apply to any bona fide tavern or innkeeper, regularly
licensed, and whose business shall or may mainly consist ia
entertaining travellers and others, with board and lodging.
Charge to
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That it shall be the duty of the
judges of the several county courts of this state, at each and
every term of said courts, to give this act in charge to the
grand jury.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That every act inconsistent with
the provisions of this act, be, and the same is hereby repealed.
appeals for
AN ACT for the greater Despatch of Business in the Court of Appeals.
SEC. 1. Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That all appeals from judgments of county courts on petitions
for freedom now depending in the court of appeals, shall be
heard and determined at the next June term of said court, to be
held for the eastern or western shore, as the case may be.
Such ap-
peals here-
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That all appeals hereafter to be
taken, from judgments of county courts, on petitions for free-
dom, shall be heard and determined at the first term of the
court of appeals after the said appeals shall have been entered.
AN ACT to Enroll, Organize, Equip, and Regulate the Militia of this State.
Supplement, 1835, ch. 213 ; see 1838, ch. 393.
subject to
SEC. 1. Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That all able bodied white male citizens between eighteen and
forty-five years of age, residents in this state, except the vice-
president of the United States, the officers, judicial and execu-
tive of the government of the United States, the members of
both houses of congress and their respective officers, the mem-