Nulle bona
execution on such judgment shall have been returned, it shall be
lawful for the person or persons or body corporate, entitled to
Bill may be
filed in
court of
persons, &c.
liable to
said corpo-
the benefit of such judgment to file a bill in the court of chan-
cery, or in a county court, as a court of equity against all or any
person or persons, or bodies corporates, who shall have dis-
tinctly or separately or otherwise entered into any contracts
with said corporation, or shall be liable to it otherwise, or shall
have distinctly, separately or otherwise executed to said cor-
porate body any promissory note or other security for or on
account of stock, in and of said corporate body or on any other
Court on
finding such
persona, &c.
shall decree
account, and the court may in such case on finding and deter-
mining the said person or persons, or bodies corporate, to be
indebted or liable as aforesaid, decree payment against such
person or persons or bodies corporate, to the person or persons
entitled to the benefit of said judgment, rateably with other
creditors of said corporate body who by virtue of the provisions
hereof shall be entitled to the benefit of said decree, so far as such
liability as aforesaid shall extend, or as it shall be equitably ; and
as on.
such bill shall be deemed and proceeded with as a creditor's bill
in equity ; and the creditors of said corporate body applying upon
notice, and according to the terms usual in cases of creditors'
bills aforesaid, shall receive payment rateably and proportion-
amount into
court, for
ably out of the amount of the liability as aforesaid ; and the
court shall order such amount to brought into court for distribu-
tive payment as aforesaid ; and if the said defendants or any of
Trial at law
of facts.
them shall pray a trial at law of any issue in fact in said case,
the said court shall send such issue to some court of law for
trial in manner as issues are, which are sent from chancery ;
May com-
pel officers
of corporate
body to
under oath,
as to liabili-
ty, &c.
and it is hereby further provided, that the person or persons, or
body corporate, entitled as aforesaid to file such bill, may in and
by said bill or by a distinct bill, require said corporate body to
discover under oath of any of its officers, who for that object
may be made parties defendants, the person or persons or bodies
corporate, liable or indebted, as aforesaid, and the considerations
and circumstances of such liability and indebtedness, and the
amounts thereof respectively ; and it is hereby provided, that
Right of
any of the parties in said causes shall be entitled to an appeal as
allowed in cases in equity.
served on
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That any process issued by any
court of this state against an incorporated company, holding and
exercising franchises within said state, may be served upon the
president OF any director or manager or other officer, of such
company, with the same effect as if such process were served
on the president and directors or a majority of them ; and such
process shall be deemed to every effect, service upon said
corporate body.