Special bail
this act, before any justice of the peace, the said master and
commander shall be held to special bail, with surety to be ap-
proved by the justice, and to be enforced and recovered upon
before any justice, as in case of small debts.
Mayor may
remit or
for penal-
ties or pay-
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That said mayor may compound
for or remit the said penalties and forfeitures, and payments and
recoveries, or any of them, either before or after suing for the
same, upon such terms as the circumstances of the case may in
his judgment require.
Every mas-
ter landing
alien pas-
sengera in
any county,
shall pay to
clerk $1 50
for each.
SEC. 7. And be it enacted, That each and every master or
commander of any vessel coming from a foreign country, or
from any other of the United States, shall, prior to her landing
any alien passenger, at any place in any county in this state,
pay in respect of each and every passenger aforesaid, who
shall be above the age of five years, the sum of one dollar and
fifty cents, to the clerk of the county in which such alien is
landed, or at the option of said master or commander, he may,
prior to such landing, in lieu of such payment as to all or any
Or become
of said passengers, become bound to the clerk of such county,
with two sufficient securities, to be approved by such clerk, in
such sum not exceeding one hundred and fifty dollars for each
passenger as aforesaid, as the clerk shall fix, to indemnify and
save harmless, such county, and the trustees of the poor for
such county, from all and every expense or charge which shall
or may be incurred at any time within two years from such
landing, for the maintenance and support of any such passenger
I suffered
to land
as aforesaid, so imported, and if any alien passenger brought by
such vessel, shall be permitted or suffered to land within any
county in this state, before payment made or bond given as
aforesaid, in respect of any such passenger, the master or com-
mander of any such vessel shall forfeit and pay the sum of one
hundred dollars for every person so suffered or permitted to
land as aforesaid, one-half to the use of the state, and the
How reco-
other to the use of the informer, to be recovered in an action of
debt or indictment in any county court of any county in this
state, where such master or commander shall be arrested ; Pro-
vided, that nothing in this section shall be construed to extend
to any such passenger landed in the city of Baltimore.
AN ACT to regulate Proceedings against Corporations.
See 1834, ch. 89, 305; 1836, ch. 264.
When pro-
against are
SEC. 1. Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That whenever hereafter the attorney-general of this state, shall
be authorized or directed by the general assembly of Maryland,
to institute proceedings against any corporate body, to ascertain
whether such corporate body's charter and corporate powers and
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