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Clement Dorsey. The general public statutory law and public local law of the state of Maryland : from the year 1692 to 1839 inclusive, with annotations thereto,and a copious index.
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Books to be

duty it shall be to record the same in a book by him to be kept
for that purpose, and the other copy shall be by said sheriffs

List sent to
the board.

transmitted to the board of managers appointed under this act,
and every sheriff failing to comply with the duties prescribed in

Penalty for


this section, shall forfeit two hundred dollars, to be recoverable
in the county court of their respective counties, by action of
debt or indictment.

tion to

SEC. 10. And be it enacted, That the compensation of every
sheriff and assistant shall be at the rate of two dollars and
twenty-five cents for every fifty persons by him returned, except
where such person resides in the city of Baltimore, when such
sheriff or assistant shall receive at the rate of one dollar and
twenty-five cents for three thousand, and at the rate of one dol-
lar and twenty-five cents for every three hundred persons over
three thousand, residing in the city of Baltimore, which said
compensation shall be levied on the assessable property within
the respective counties, and be collected in the same manner
and by the said collector, or collectors, as county charges are
collected, and be by them paid over to the person entitled to re-


ceive the same; Provided, that the levy courts or commissioners
of the respective counties, and the mayor and city council of
Baltimore, as the case may be, may, if they deem the compen-
sation hereby allowed inadequate, allow such further compensa-
tion as they may deem proper.

Sheriffs to
report to
the board,
the names
of persons
willing to

SEC. 11. And be it enacted, That the several sheriffs of the
counties of this state, shall, from time to time, make report to
the said board of managers of such, of said free people of colour
in their said counties as they shall find willing to remove from
the state, stating therein the names, ages and circumstances of
such persons, and the place or places beyond the limits of this
state to which they are willing to remove, and whether they are,
or are not able to defray the expenses of such removal ; whether
any such means are provided ; and it shall be the duty of the
said board of managers whenever they shall ascertain by the
said reports of the said sheriffs, or otherwise, that such persons

The board
to register,
&c. remove

of colour are willing to remove from the state, to make a register
of their names and ages, and take such measures as they may
think necessary for their removal as soon as practicable, either
to the colony of Liberia, or to such other place or places beyond
the limits of this state, which the said board may approve of,
and to which they may be willing to go, and it shall be the duty
of said board, if there shall be offered to them more than they
can send in any one year, from the different counties as afore-


said, to apportion the same among the said counties, according
to the number respectively of their free people of colour, as ap-
pears by the last census.



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Clement Dorsey. The general public statutory law and public local law of the state of Maryland : from the year 1692 to 1839 inclusive, with annotations thereto,and a copious index.
Volume 141, Page 1040   View pdf image (33K)
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