SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That upon the admission of any
applicant to practise law in any of the courts of record in this
state as aforesaid, it shall be the duty of the court so admitting
him, to certify the same with their own proper signatures,
which certificate shall be recorded, and a copy thereof authenti-
cated with the county seal of the county in which the party
shall be admitted, shall be available and sufficient to entitle said
applicant so admitted, to practise in any of the courts of this state.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted. That if upon the application and
examination of any citizen as aforesaid, the court shall be of
opinion, that he ought not to be admitted, the said applicant
shall not be again entitled to a hearing for admission in any
court of this state, until the expiration of twelve months after
Case of
refusal to
said first application, and if upon a second application, he shall
be rejected, he shall not be again heard until the expiration of
twelve months after such second application.
SEC. 5. And be it enacted. That upon the application of any
lawyer who may have practised, or who may have been licensed
to practise in any other state, district or territory of the United
States, for admission to practise in the courts of this state, it
shall be the duty of the court to whom he shall apply, to admit
him upon the same terms and under the same regulations, that
a citizen of Maryland would be admitted to the courts of the
state, district or territory, in which said applicant may have
from other
states to be
practised, or may have been licensed to practise; Provided,
that in the said state, district or territory, the mode and terms of
admission to the bar, be regulated by law.
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That upon the application of any
citizen of any other state or district, in which the mode and
terms of admission to the bar are not regulated by law, to
practise law in any of the courts of this state, the said courts
shall admit him or not, as in their discretion they may think fit,
their power in such instances and cases remaining, the same as
before the passage of this act.
under the
SEC. 7. And be it enacted, That if upon the rejection of any
applicant for admission, to practise law in any county court of
this state, such applicant shall deem himself aggrieved by such
rejection, he shall be permitted to apply to the court of appeals
for admission to practise law in said court, who shall examine
such applicant as to his qualifications, character and time of
studying, in manner and subject to the regulation herein before
provided as to such examination ; and if upon such examina-
tion, the court of appeals shall determine that the applicant
ought to be admitted to practise in said court of appeals, he