SEC. 5. And be it enacted. That Baltimore city court shall
have jurisdiction of the offences and exercise the powers con-
ferred by this act as in cases arising within the city of Baltimore.
tion to
justices of
peace for
eases in
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That the justices of the peace in
the city and county of Baltimore, for their services in any cri-
minal proceeding or in reference to any criminal charge or com-
plaint, shall be entitled to compensation, to be determined and
fixed by the commissioners of Baltimore county, as the case
may be, and to be levied and paid as constables are now paid
for services in criminal cases.
in attempt-
ing release
of prisoners
SEC. 7. And be it enacted, That any money, bank notes, or
chattel property employed, used, or attempted to be used, or
introduced, within or about the buildings, yards, or enclosure of
the penitentiary of this state, for the purpose of rescuing, or
procuring the release of any convict confined in said peniten-
tiary, shall be forfeited thereby, to the use of this state; and the
directors of said penitentiary may and shall take possession
thereof, and appropriate the same by sale or otherwise to the
use of this state, in the business of said penitentiary, and they
shall institute and prosecute any suit or suits in the name of
the state, that may by them be deemed or found necessary for
the recovery or forfeiture of such money, bank notes, or pro-
perty; Provided always, that nothing in this act contained,
shall be construed so as to forfeit any money, bank notes or
property, heretofore so introduced or employed, and not then
forfeitable, but the said directors may, in their discretion, deli-
ver the same to any person or persons, whom they shall think
best entitled thereto, or to his, her or their attorney.
AN ACT to repeal the third section of an Act, entitled, a further Supple-
ment to the Act, entitled, an Act for the relief of sundry Insolvent
Debtors, passed at December session, eighteen hundred and thirty.
Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the third section of an act, entitled, a further supplement to
the act, entitled, an act for the relief of sundry insolvent
debtors, passed at December session, eighteen hundred and
thirty, be, and the same is hereby repealed; Provided, that
nothing contained in this act shall be construed to apply to the
city of Baltimore, also Baltimore county.
AN ACT for the protection of Oysters in the Waters of the Eastern Shore of
this State.
See notes to 1820, ch. 24, ante page 722; and 1832, ch. 76.
WHEREAS, the protection of oysters in the waters of this state
is a subject in which the citizens thereof are deeply concerned,