vided, that the acknowledgment shall be certified or endorsed
on said deed by the judge before whom it shall be taken, under
his hand ; and that the clerk or keeper of the records of the
court of which he was judge, shall certify under his hand and
the seal of the court, that he was a judge of said court at the
time of taking said acknowledgment, and that such deed shall
be recorded within six calendar months from the day of its date
among the land records of the county in which such lands,
tenements or hereditaments, may lie.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted. That every deed for the convey-
ance of any estate or interest in any land lying in this state,
which shall be acknowledged by any party thereto in open
court, in any court of record of the United States, or of any of
the states or territories, and certified under the seal of such
To be valid
if acknow-
ledged in
open court,
court to be so acknowledgment,* shall be deemed as good, valid
and effectual, as if such acknowledgment had been made and
certified in the manner aforesaid.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That no deed executed after the
first day of September next, shall be effectual to convey the in-
terest or estate, or to bar any right or claim of dower of a feme
covert, in or to any lands or tenements lying in this state, unless
the judge or justices of the peace as the case may be, before
whom the same shall be executed and acknowledged, shall ex-
amine her out of the presence and hearing of her husband
whether she doth execute and acknowledge the same freely and
voluntarily, and without being induced to do so by fear or
threats of, or ill-usage by her husband, or by fear of his dis-
pleasure, or to that effect, and unless such feme covert shall
sign and seal such deed before such judge or justices, out of the
presence and hearing of her husband, and such judge or justices
shall endorse upon or annex to such deed, a certificate under
his or their hands, of such private examination, execution and
Rights of
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That any deed hereafter signed,
sealed and acknowledged as aforesaid, by any feme covert
within the United States, or any territory thereof, before any
judge of a court of law and of record of the state or territory in
which she may be at the time, or before any judge of any of
the United States' courts, and certified as aforesaid, shall be
valid and effectual for the purposes expressed in such deed, and
to bar the right or claim of dower of such feme covert to any
lands or tenements therein specified lying within this state;
Deeds of
Provided, that in all other respects the act of assembly, entitled,
an additional supplement to an act, entitled, an act for quieting
possessions, enrolling conveyances, and securing the estates of
purchasers, passed at December session eighteen hundred and
twenty-five, chapter fifty-eight, be complied with.