Industrial Inspectors:
Harry A. LeBrun Towson
William D. Bloom.... Catonsville
August W. Miller ...
Mary M. Wootton Baltimore
Monica McCarthy Baltimore
James E. Magill Baltimore
Benjamin C. Green Baltimore
Wm. E. B. Grant Baltimore
Alice V. Taggart Baltimore
Edith S. Maynard .. Baltimore
Edgar P. Eyler Hagerstown
Senior Clerks:
Kathryne Phelan - Baltimore
Catherine Hughes
Bessie H. Fallon ...... Baltimore
Selma B. Cone....... .......Baltimore
Elizabeth Sanders ..Annapolis
Mildred J. Hughes .. - - Baltimore
Mary F. Riley - .. .. .... - ..
Boiler Inspectors:
Louis Duge Baltimore
Henry Helmrich .. - - Baltimore
Governor appoints one Commissioner. The first appointment is for
a term from January 1 1923, to the first Monday in May, 1924. There
after a successor is appointed for a term of two years from the first
Monday in May. (Ch. 29, 1922.)
The Commissioner is authorized and empowered to appoint and em
ploy such deputies, inspectors, assistants and employees as may be neces
sary for the performances of the duties imposed upon it, provided such
appointments and employments and compensation to be allowed shall be
subject to the approval of the Governor.
It shall be the duty of said Commission (1st) to collect statistics
concerning and examine into the condition of labor in the State, with
especial reference to wages, and the causes of strikes and disagreements
between employees and employers.
(2) To collect informztion in regard to the agricultural conditions
and products of the State, the acreage under cultivation and planted
in the various crops, the character and price of land, the live stock,
etc., and all other matters pertaining to agricultural pursuits, which
may be of general interest and calculated to attract immigration to the
(3) To collect information in regard to the mineral products of the
State, the output of mines, quarries and so forth, and the manufactur
ing industries.
(4) To collect information in regard to railroads and other trans
portation companies, shipping and commerce.