Deputy Commanders
Dist. Name Address Vessel
A. S. Creighton .. Cambridge Steamer McLane
lst—G. F. Akers - - Rock Hall - - ...Power Boat Kent
0.T. Whaland - Rock Hall .. Chester River Boat*
2nd—John W. Jones .. Chester - - - Power Boat Talbot
3rd—G. 0. Haddaway .. - Wittman - - Power Boat Dorchester
W. J. Haddaway ....Neavitt Power Boat Queen Anne
Paul I. Taylor - - Oxford Tred Avon River Boat
C. A. Bromwell - - Madison - Power Boat Chesapeake
J. A. Mills Crocheron - - Power Boat St. Mary’s
D. C. Kinnamon.....Cambridge - ....Power Boat Choptank
4th—E. A. Taylor ........ Bivalve - - Sloop Hayward
D. B. Shores Dames Quarter .Wicomico River Boat*
5th—A. S. Bozman Champ - .Power Boat Somerset
Clarence Nelson ... Crisfield Pocomoke Sound Boat*
Geo. S. Bozman ..........Champ - - - Manokin River Boat
6th—Wm. H. Sandera...........Annapolis ... ......Schooner Brown
E. N. Dxon.....Gallloways Power Boat Folly
J. 0. Rodgers ....Deale Bugeye Brown Smith Jones
7th—L. F. Miles ..Pearson Power Boat Patuxent
R. Lee Arnold Blackistone - Power Boat Murray
A. P. Cullison - - ..Wynne - - - Power Boat Wicomico
Reserved Area—
Harvey Mister - Solomons - Power Boat Anne Arundel
*Hired for season only.
The Conservation Department has charge of all the natural re
sources of the State, namely, oysters, fish, crabs, clams, terrapin, wild
fowl, birds, game and fur-bearing animals.
The staff offleers and State Game Warden, clerical force, Deputy
Commanders of State Fishery Force and Inspectors are appointed by
the Department. Deputy Game Wardens are recommended by the
State Game Warden and appointments are confirmed by the Department.