16 W. Saratoga Street, Baltimore.
Director of Health, Dr. John S. Fulton Baltimore
Ex-Officio Members:
Hon. Thos. H. Robinson.
Dr. C. Hampson Jones Commissioner of Health of Baltimore City
Appointed by the Governor:
Names Addresses Terms Expire.
Dr. John S. Fulton, Chairman Baltimore 1931
Dr. William W. Ford - Woodbrook ...1929
E. F. Kelly, PharmacistBaltimore ....1929
Tolley A. Biays, Civil Eng Baltimore 1931
Dr. Benjamin C. Perry .....Bethesda 1928
Dr. William H. Welch .. Baltimore - 1928
The Board of eight members consists of the Attorney-General, Health
Commissioner of Baltimore and six members appointed by the Governor,
with the consent of the Senate, two biennially for a term of six years
from the first Monday in May. Of those appointed by the Governor,
four shall be physicians, one a Civil Engineer and one a Certified Pharma
cist. The Governor shall designate one of the four physicians as Chair
The Chief Executive of the Department is Dr. John S. Fulton, Di-
rector of Health and Chairman of the Board. He is represented in the
field by ten Deputy State Health Officers, each one a resident in one of
the ten sanitary districts of the State. The Deputy State Health Of
ficers represent the Department in their respective district and supervise
the activities of the Department therein.
In the Executive Office are two divisions, Legal Administration and
Public Health Education, and State Advisory Nurse.
Mr. J. Davis Donovan is Chief of the Division of Legal Adminis
tration and his duties consist in the investigation of all infractions of
public health laws and representation of the Department in court in
cases of prosecution for violations of such laws. This Division also en
forces the provisions of the Mattress and Bedding Law which requires
that mattresses, pillows and comfortables have attached to them a tag
furnished by the Department on which is a statement of the materials
used in filling them.
Miss Gertrude B. Knipp is Chief of the Division of Public Health
Education and her duties consist of assembling and distributing infor
mation on health promotion and disease prevention; preparing bulletins
in popular form for press purposes, with special reference to use in the
counties; preparing circulars and other material and arranging for use
of lantern slides, movie films and health exhibits.
The State Advisory Nurse passes upon the qualifications of the pub
lic health nurses employed in the Counties and, through the Deputy
State Health Officers, supervises their technique; selects qualified
nurses at the request of Counties and Towns, and distributes educa
tional and demonstration material for the promotion of public health
Mrs. Ethel Monroe Troy, Baltimore, Md.