Minor Civil Division 19201910 1900
Worcester County 22,309 21,841 20,865
District 1, Costens, including Pocomoke city
town 4,5814,1453,993
“ 2, Snow Hill,, including Snow Hill
town 3,5393,8163,534
“ 3, East Berlin, including Ocean City
town and part of Berlin town4,283 3,905 3,556
“ 4, Newark 1,2081,1231,165
5, St. Martin, including Bishopville
town * 1,517 1,613 1,420
6, Colbournes 698 860 876
7, Atkinsons - 1,1661,1851,226
8, Stockton, including Girdletree town 2,831 2,772 2,890
“ 9, West Berlin, including part of Ber
lin town - 2,486 2,422 2,205
Incorporated place 19201910 1900
Berlin town 1,3661,3171,246
Bishopville town 246 262 243
Girdletree town 478 325 336
Snow Hill town 1,6841,8441,596
Ocean City town 711 476 365
Pocomoke City town 2,4442,369 2,124
No wards.