select, with the approval of the Governor; said banks giving sufficient
bond or approved collateral security satisfactory to the Governor. All
State money is paid out upon the warrant of the Comptroller by check
issued by the Treasurer, and countersigned by the Comptroller. He is
a member of the Board of Public Works; and also a member of the
other Boards having charge of the different State Institutions.
The Comptroller and Treasurer issue all loans authorized by the
Legislature—the Treasurer signing the bonds or certificates of indebted-
ness, countersigned by the Comptroller. The Treasurer and Comptroller
are custodians of all bonds, stock, and other securities belonging to the
State, and held for the use of the different sinking funds.
The Treasurer has charge of the State’s insurance and is cus
todian of all policies covering same. The Treasurer publishes the bal-
ances in the different State depositories standing to the credit of the
State, monthly, and renders a quarterly report to the Comptroller.
(Union Trust Building, Baltimore.)
Board consists of the Governor, State Treasurer and Comptroller
of the Treasury.
Albert C. Ritchie Annapolis
William S. Gordy, Jr SalIsbury
State Treasurer:
John M. Dennis Riderwood
Joseph 0. C. McCusker Pikesville
The Board of Public Works is created by Section 1 of Article 12
of the Constitution. Its Constitutional powers and duties are set
forth in Article 12. The General Assembly has from time to time
passed legislation imposing other duties upon the Board of Public
Works. The most important is the issuance of various State bond
issues. The Board of Public Works constitutes the third division of the
Finance Department.
State Law Department, 633-49 Title Building, Baltimore.
Name Postoffice.
The Attorney-General:
Thomas H. Robinson - Belair
Assistant Attorneys-General:
Robert H. Archer Belair
Willis R. Jones Baltimore
Herbert Levy - Baltimore
John Hubner Rice Baltimore
Senior Stenographers:
Mrs. Anna Davis Greer - - - Baltimore
Miss Hattie F. Fuxman - Baltimore