( iii )
C E.
THE following sheets, written principally
with the view of introducing a general
uniformity in the proceedings of deputy commissaries,
and of assisting executors and administrators
in the performance of their duties,
are submitted to the candour of the public. I
flatter myself they contain informations which
may be serviceable to many, and that such as
do not need my instructions, will not censure
my endeavours to assist those who do.
In my officer of register, which I have executed
for near ten years with application and
diligence, I hope, I my be permitted to say,
that I have gained some knowledge of the business
aI have undertaken to explain, and it is
upon this experience I have adventured to appear
in print. There are very few persons,
who are not in some respect concerned in the
management of the estates of deceased persons,
as creditors, executors, administrators, legatees,
relations, or in what they have to leave, as
well as to claim, and I may presume to observe,
that very few have not frequent occasion for
advice in these concerns, and therefore my undertaking
cannot but be extensively useful, unless
the execution of it be extremely defective.