from the labour of the negroes, and interest of
the sums so bequeathed, and apply the same
towards the education and maintenance of my
said daughter.
Bequest to
two nieces;
with survivorship. |
Item,--I give and bequeath to each of my
two grand daughters I. and K. children of my
daughter E. the sum of £. 500 current money,
to be paid to them, and each of them respectively,
when they come at their respective ages
of sixteen years or day of marriage, which shall
first happen; and I direct that the aforesaid
sums of money be put out to interest on bond,
with good securities by my executrix, and that
the profit arising therefrom be applied towards
their education and maintenance respectively,
until their said ages or marriage as aforesaid;
and in case either of them shall die before the
age of twenty-one, or marriage, then I give the
share of her so dying unto the survivor of them;
and if both of my said grand daughters shall
happen to die before they attain the age
of twenty-one or marriage, then I give and bequeath
the whole of the said several sums unto
my daughter D.
Devise of the
residue. |
Item,--I bequeath all the rest and
residue of my estate both real and personal to
be equally divided among all my children, in
equal portion, share and share alike. |