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Deputy Commissary's Guide within the Province of Maryland, 1774
Volume 139, Page 180   View pdf image (33K)
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APPENDIX.        180

of the said deceased, which have or shall
come to the hands, possession or knowledge of
            the said
                or into the hands and possession of
any other person or persons for            and the
same so made do exhibit, or cause to be exhibited
into the registry of our prerogative court, at
or before the            day of                    next
ensuing; and the same goods, chattels, and
credits, and all other the goods, chattels, and
Credits of the said deceased, at the time of
death, which at any time after shall come to
the hands or possession of the said
                                                or into the hands
and possession of any other person or persons for
            do well and truly administer according
to law, viz. shall pay the debts of the said deceased,
so far forth as the said goods, chattels,
and credits will extend, and the law will charge,
as also all such reasonable charges and fees, as
have arisen, or shall arise, or become due to
any his lordship's officers, from the said
                                                    on the account
of the said deceased, or                        estate:
And further, do make, or cause to be made, a
true and just account of            said administration,
at or before the                        day of
next; and all the rest and residue of the said
goods, chattels, and credits, which shall be 

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Deputy Commissary's Guide within the Province of Maryland, 1774
Volume 139, Page 180   View pdf image (33K)
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