Witness the honourable
Esquire, our commissary
general and judge for probate of wills, and
granting administrations within the province of
Maryland aforesaid this day of
in the
year of our dominion &c.
Anno domini,
MARYLAND, sc. Know all men by these presents,
that we
are held
and firmly bound unto the right
the lord proprietary of this
province, in
the full and just sum of
pounds sterling money
of Great-Britain, to be paid
to his said
lordship, his heirs and successor:
to which
payment well and truly to be
made and
done, we do bind ourselves,
and every
of us, our, and every of our
heirs executors
and administrators, in the whole
and for the whole, jointly and
firmly by these presents, sealed
with out
seals, and dated this
day of
in the
year of his
said lordship's dominion, &c.
Anno domini, |