State's Attor-
ney: Collection
and disposition
of money;
requirement of
Sec. 12. The State's At-
torney in each County, and
the City of Baltimore, shall
have authority to collect, and
give receipt, in the name of
the State, for such sums of
money as may be collected
by him, and forthwith make
return of and pay over the
same to the proper account-
ing officer. And the State's
Attorney of each county, and
the City of Baltimore, before
he shall enter on the dis-
charge of his duties, and
from time to time thereafter
shall give such corporate
surety bond as may hereafter
be prescribed by Act of the
General Assembly.
Sec. 12. The State's At-
torney, in each county, and
the city of Baltimore, shall
have authority to collect, and
give receipt, in the name of
the State, for such sums of
money as may be collected
by him, and forthwith make
return of, and pay over the
same, to the proper account-
ing officer. And the State's
Attorney of each county, and
the city of Baltimore, before
he shall enter on the dis-
charge of his duties, shall
execute a Bond to the State
of Maryland, for the faith-
ful performance of his duties,
in the penalty of ten thou-
sand dollars, with two or
more sureties, to be approved
by the Judge of the Court,
having criminal jurisdiction,
in said counties or city.