Constitution of
Constitution of
Constitution of
Constitution of
Amendments to
1776 Constitution
be re-eligible thereto, and be
subject to removal there-
from, for incompetency, will-
ful neglect of duty, or mis-
demeanor in office, on con-
viction in a Court of Law,
or by a vote of two-thirds
of the Senate, on the recom-
mendation of the Attorney
be re-eligible thereto, and be
subject to removal therefrom,
for incompetency, wilful neg-
lect of duty, or misdemeanor
in office, on conviction in a
Court of Law, or by a vote of
two-thirds of the Senate, on
the recommendation of the
be re-eligible thereto, and be
subject to removal therefrom
for incompetency, willful
neglect of duty or misde-
meanor in office, on convic-
tion in a court of law.
re-eligible thereto, and be
subject to removal therefrom
for incompetency, wilful neg-
lect of duty or misdemeanor
in office, on conviction in a
court of law.
State's Attor-
ney: Election;
oath of office.
Sec. 8. All elections for
the State's Attorney shall be
certified to, and Returns
made thereof, by the Clerks
of the said counties and city,
to the Judges thereof, having
criminal jurisdiction, respec-
tively, whose duty it shall be
to decide upon the elections
and qualifications of the Per-
sons returned; and, in case of
a tie between two or more
Persons, to designate which
of said Persons shall qualify
as State's Attorney, and to
administer the oaths of office
to the Person elected.
Sec. 8. All elections for the
State's Attorney shall be cer-
tified to, and Returns made
thereof, by the Clerks of the
said counties and city, to the
Judges thereof, having crim-
inal jurisdiction, respectively,
whose duty it shall be to
decide upon the elections and
qualifications of the Persons
returned; and, in case of a
tie between two or more Per-
sons, to designate which of
said Persons shall qualify as
State's Attorney, and to ad-
minister the oaths of office
to the Person elected.
Sec. 8. All elections for the
State's Attorney shall be cer-
tified to, and returns made
thereof, by the Clerks of
the said counties and city
to the Judges thereof having
criminal jurisdiction, respec-
tively, whose duty it shall
be to decide upon the elec-
tions and qualifications of
the persons returned, and in
case of a tie between two or
more persons, to designate
which of said persons shall
qualify as State's Attorney,
and to administer the oaths
of office to the persons elec-
Sec. 2. All elections for the
State's Attorney shall be cer-
tiiiied to, and returns made
thereof, by the clerks of the
said counties and city to the
Judges thereof having crim-
inal jurisdiction, respectively,
whose duty it shall be to de-
cide upon the elections and
qualifications of the persons
returned, and in case of a
tie between two or more
persons, to designate which
of said persons shall qualify
as State's Attorney, and to
administer the oaths of office
to the persons elected.
State's Attor-
ney: Duties;
salary; removal.
Deputy and
Sec. 9. The State's Attor-
ney shall perform such duties
and receive such salary as
shall be prescribed by Law;
and if any State's Attorney
shall receive any other fee
or reward than such as is or
may be allowed by Law, he
shall, on conviction thereof,
be removed from office; pro-
vided, that the State's At-
torney for Baltimore City
shall have the power to ap-
point a Deputy and such
other Assistants as the Su-
preme Bench of Baltimore
City may authorize or ap-
prove and until otherwise
provided by the General As-
sembly, the said State's At-
torney, Deputy and Assist-
ants shall receive the follow-
ing annual salaries: State's
Attorney, seven thousand five
Sec. 9. The State's Attor-
ney shall perform such duties
and receive such fees and
commissions as are now, or
may hereafter be, prescribed
by law, and if any State's
Attorney shall receive any
other fee or reward, than
such as is, or may be al-
lowed by Law, he shall, on
conviction thereof, be re-
moved from office; provided,
that the State's Attorney for
Baltimore City shall have
power to appoint one Dep-
uty, at a salary of not more
than Fifteen Hundred dollars
per annum, to be paid by
the State's Attorney out of
the fees of his office, as has
heretofore been practiced.
Sec. 9. The State's Attor-
ney shall perform such
duties and receive such fees
and commissions as are now
or may hereafter be pre-
scribed by law, and if any
State's Attorney shall receive
any other fee or reward than
such as is, or may be al-
lowed by law, he shall, on
conviction thereof, be re-
moved from office; provided,
that the State's Attorney for
Baltimore city shall have
power to appoint one Dep-
uty, at a salary of not more
than fifteen hundred dollars
per annum, to be paid by
the State's Attorney out of
the fees of his office, as has
heretofore been practiced.
Sec. 3. The State's Attor-
ney shall perform such duties
and receive such fees and
commissions as are now pre-
scribed by law for the Attor-
ney General and his Depu-
ties, and such other duties,
fees and commissions as may
hereafter be prescribed by
law, and if any State's At-
torney shall receive any
other fee or reward than
such as is, or may be al-
lowed by law, he shall, on
conviction thereof, be re-
moved from office.