Constitution of
Constitution of
Constitution of
Constitution of
Amendments to
1776 Constitution
Attorney Gen-
eral: Qualifica-
Sec. 4. No person shall be
eligible to the office of At-
torney General, who is not a
citizen of this State, and a
qualified voter therein, and
has not resided and prac-
ticed Law in this State for
at least ten years.
Sec. 4. No person shall be
eligible to the office of At-
torney-General, who is not a
citizen of this State, and a
qualified voter therein, and
has not resided and practiced
Law in this State for at least
ten years.
Sec. 4. No person shall be
eligible to the office of At-
torney General who has not
resided and practiced law in
this State, for at least seven
years next preceding his elec-
Attorney Gen-
eral: Vacancy.
Sec. 5. In case of vacancy
in the office of Attorney Gen-
eral, occasioned by death,
resignation, removal from the
State, or from office, or other
disqualification, the said va-
cancy shall be filled by the
Governor, for the residue of
the term thus made vacant.
Sec. 5. In case of vacancy
in the office of Attorney-Gen-
eral, occasioned by death,
resignation, removal from
the State, or from office, or
other disqualification, the
said vacancy shall be filled
by the Governor, for the resi-
due of the term thus made
Sec. 5. In case of vacancy
in the office of Attorney Gen-
eral, occasioned by death,
resignation, or his removal
from the State, or his con-
viction, as hereinbefore spe-
cified, the said vacancy shall
be filled by the Governor for
the residue of the term thus
made vacant.
Attorney Gen-
eral: Notifica-
tion of cases in
which state a
Sec. 6. It shall be the duty
of the Clerk of the Court of
Appeals and the Clerks of
any intermediate courts of
appeal and of the Commis-
sioner of the Land Office, re-
spectively, whenever a case
shall be brought into said
Courts, or office, in which
the State is a party, or has
interest, immediately to noti-
fy the Attorney General
Sec. 6. It shall be the duty
of the Clerk of the Court
of Appeals and of the Com-
missioner of the Land Office,
respectively, whenever a case
shall be brought into said
Court, or office, in which the
State is a party, or has in-
terest, immediately to notify
the Attorney-General there-
Sec. 6. It shall be the duty
of the Clerk of the Court of
Appeals, and the Commis-
sioner of the Land Office,
respectively, whenever a case
shall be brought into said
Court or office, in which the
State is a party, or has in-
terest, immediately to notify
the Attorney General there-
Art. V, sec. 6. It shall be
the duty of the clerk of the
Court of Appeals, and the
Commissioner of the Land
Office, respectively, when-
ever a case shall be brought
into said court or office, in
which the State is a party,
or has an interest, immedi-
ately to notify the Governor
State's Attor-
neys: Election;
term; removal.
The State's Attorneys.
Sec. 7. There shall be an
Attorney for the State in
each county, and the City
of Baltimore, to be styled
"The State's Attorney," who
shall be elected by the voters
thereof, respectively, on the
Tuesday next after the first
Monday of November, in the
year, nineteen hundred and
fifty-eight, and on the same
day every fourth year there-
after; and shall hold his of-
fice for four years from the
first Monday in January next
ensuing his election, and un-
til his successor shall be elec-
ted and qualified; and shall
The State's Attorneys.
Sec. 7. There shall be an
Attorney for the State in
each county, and the city of
Baltimore, to be styled "The
State's Attorney," who shall
be elected by the voters
thereof, respectively, on the
Tuesday next after the
first Monday in November in
the year eighteen hundred
and sixty-seven, and on the
same day every fourth year
thereafter; and shall hold his
office for four years from the
first Monday in January next
ensuing his election, and un-
til his successor shall be elec-
ted and qualified; and shall
The State's Attorneys.
Sec. 7. There shall be an
Attorney for the State in
each county and the city of
Baltimore, to be styled "The
State's Attorney," who shall
be elected by the voters
thereof, respectively, on the
Tuesday next after the first
Monday in the month of
November, eighteen hundred
and sixty-seven, and on the
same day every fourth year
thereafter, and shall hold his
office for four years from the
first Monday in January next
ensuing his election, and un-
til his successor shall be elec-
ted and qualified, and shall
Section 1. There shall be
an attorney for the State in
each county and the city of
Baltimore, to be styled "The
State's Attorney," who shall
be elected by the voters
thereof, respectively, on the
first Wednesday of Novem-
ber next, and on the same
day every fourth year there-
after, and hold his office for
four years from the first
Monday of January next en-
suing his election, and until
his successor shall be elected
and qualified, and shall be