Appeals and the intermedi-
ate courts of appeal, or in
the Supreme Court of the
United States, by or against
the State, or wherein the
State may be interested; and
he shall give his opinion in
writing whenever required
Ijy the General Assembly or
either Branch thereof, the
Governor, the Comptroller,
the Treasurer, or any State's
Attorney, on any legal mat-
ter or subject depending be-
fore them, or either of them;
and when required by the
Governor or General Assem-
bly, he shall aid any State's
Attorney in prosecuting any
suit or action brought by the
State in any Court of this
State, and he shall commence
and prosecute or defend any
suit of action in any of said
Courts, on the part of the
State, which the General As-
sembly, or the Governor, act-
ing according to law, shall
direct to be commenced,
prosecuted or defended, and
he shall have and perform
such other duties and shall
appoint such number of dep-
uties or assistants as the Gen-
eral Assembly may from
time to time by law pre-
scribe: And he shall receive
for his service an annual sal-
ary of three thousand dollars,
or such annual salary as the
General Assembly may from
time to time by law pre-
scribe: but he shall not be
entitled to receive any fees,
perquisites or rewards what-
ever, in addition to the salary
aforesaid, for the perform-
ance of any official duty; nor
shall the Governor employ
any additional Counsel, in
any Case whatever, unless
authorized by the General
Appeals, or in the Supreme
Court of the United States,
by or against the State, or
wherein the State may be in-
terested; and he shall give
his opinion in writing when-
ever required by the General
Assembly, or either Branch
thereof, the Governor, the
Comptroller, the Treasurer,
or any State's Attorney, on
any legal matter, or subject
depending before them, or
either of them; and when
required by the Governor,
or the General Assembly, he
shall aid any State's Attor-
ney in prosecuting any suit
or action brought by the
State in any Court of this
State; and he shall commence
and prosecute, or defend, any
suit or action in any of said
Courts, on the part of the
State, which the General As-
sembly, or the Governor, act-
ing according to Law, shall
direct to be commenced,
prosecuted or defended; and
he shall receive for his serv-
ices an annual salary of
Three Thousand dollars; but
he shall not be entitled to
receive any fees, perquisites,
or rewards, whatever, in ad-
dition to the salary afore-
said, for the performance of
any official duty; nor have
power to appoint any agent,
representative, or deputy,
under any circumstances,
whatever; nor shall the Gov-
ernor employ any additional
counsel in any case, what-
ever, unless authorized by the
General Assembly.
peals, or in the Supreme
Court of the United States,
by or against the State, or
wherein the State may be
interested; and he shall give
his opinion in writing, when-
ever required by the General
Assembly, or either branch
thereof, the Governor, the
Comptroller, the Treasurer,
or any State's Attorney on
any matter or subject de-
pending before them, or
either of them, and when re-
quired by the Governor or
the General Assembly, he
shall aid any State's Attorney
in prosecuting any suit or
action brought by the State,
in any Court of this State;
and he shall commence and
prosecute or defend any suit
or action in any of said
Courts, on the part of the
State, which the General As-
sembly or the Governor act-
ing, according to law, shall
direct to be commenced,
prosecuted or defended, and
he shall receive for his serv-
ices an annual salary of
twenty -five hundred dollars;
but he shall not be entitled
to receive any fees, perquisi-
tes or rewards, whatever,
in addition to the salary
aforesaid, for the perform-
ance of any official duty, nor
have power to appoint any
agent, representative or dep-
uty, under any circumstances