the same day, in every fourth
year thereafter, who shall
hold his office for four years
from the time of his election
and qualification, and until
his successor is elected and
qualified, and shall be re-
eligible thereto, and shall be
subject to removal for in-
competency, willful neglect
of duty or misdemeanor in
office, on conviction in a
Court of Law.
dred and sixty-seven, and on
the same day, in every fourth
year thereafter, who shall
hold his office for four years
from the time of his election
and qualification, and until
his successor is elected and
qualified, and shall be re-
eligible thereto, and shall be
subject to removal for in-
competency, wilful neglect
of duty, or misdemeanor in
office, on conviction in a
Court of Law.
after, who shall hold his of-
fice for four years from the
first Monday of January next
ensuing his election, and un-
til his successor shall be
elected and qualified, and
shall be re-eligible thereto,
and shall be subject to re-
moval for incompetency,
willful neglect of duty, or
misdemeanor in office, on
conviction in a court of law.
cepted), and may also sus-
pend or remove any civil
officer who has not a com-
mission during good behav-
iour, and may suspend any
militia officer for one month,
and may also suspend or re-
move any regular officer in
the land or sea service; and
the governor may remove or
suspend any militia officer
in pursuance of the judg-
ment of a court martial.
40. That the chancellor, all
judges, the attorney- general,
clerks of the general court,
the clerks of the county
courts, the registers of the
land-office, and the registers
of wills, shall hold their
commisisons during good be-
haviour, removable only for
misbehaviour, on conviction
in a court of law.
by the Attorney General,
shall be done and performed
by such persons and in such
manner as the General As-
sembly of Maryland shall
hereafter direct.
Attorney Gen-
eral: Election;
oath of office.
Sec. 2. All elections for
Attorney General shall be
certified to, and returns made
thereof by the Clerks of the
Circuit Courts for the sev-
eral counties, and the Clerk
of the Superior Court of Bal-
timore City, to the Governor
of the State, whose duty it
shall be to decide on the
election and qualification of
the person returned; and in
case of a tie between two or
more persons, to designate
which of said persons shall
qualify as Attorney General,
and to administer the oath
of office to the person elec-
Sec. 2. All elections for
Attorney-General shall be
certified to, and returns
made thereof by the Clerks
of the Circuit Courts of the
several counties, and the
Clerk of the Superior Court
of Baltimore City, to the
Governor of the State, whose
duty it shall be to decide on
the election and qualification
of the person returned; and
in case of a tie between two
or more persons to designate
which of said persons shall
qualify as Attorney-General,
and to administer the oath
of office to the person elected.
Sec. 2. All elections for
Attorney General shall be
certified to, and returns made
thereof by the Clerks of the
Circuit Courts for the sev-
eral counties, and the Clerk
of the Superior Court of Bal-
timore city, to the Governor
of the State, whose duty it
shall be to decide upon the
election and qualifications of
the person returned, and in
case of a tie between two or
more persons to designate
which of said persons shall
qualify as Attorney General,
and to administer the oath
of office to the person elec-
Attorney Gen-
eral: Duties;
Sec. 3. It shall be the duty
of the Attorney General to
prosecute and defend on the
part of the State all cases,
which at the time of his ap-
pointment and qualification
and which thereafter may be
depending in the Court of
Sec. 3. It shall be the duty
of the Attorney-General to
prosecute and defend on the
part at the State, all cases,
which at the time of his ap-
pointment and qualification,
and which thereafter may be
depending in the Court of
Sec. 3. It shall be the duty
of the Attorney General to
prosecute and defend, on the
part of the State, all cases
which at the time of his elec-
tion and qualification, and
which thereafter may be de-
pending in the Court of Ap-