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Constitutional Revision Study Documents of the Constitutional Convention Commission, 1968
Volume 138, Page 94   View pdf image (33K)
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Law (1) idaho: The state constitution guarantees the power of referendum as pro-
vided for by law, but the constitution declares that anything submitted must
meet the approval of a majority of the aggregate vote cast for governor at
that election (10 per cent of the vote cast for governor at the next preceding
general election).
(2) utah: The state constitution guarantees the power of referendum as pro-
vided for by law (10 per cent of vote cast for governor at next preceding
general election).
signature requirements of the initiative power listed by percentages
3% (1) massachusetts: of "qualified voters," based on "entire vote cast for
(2) ohio: of the "electors." If not passed by the legislature a second petition
of 3 per cent is required to get the proposal on the ballot. The signatures must
come from not less than one-half the counties with not less than one-half of
the required percentage of the electors of such county. The 3 per cent is based
on the number of votes cast for the office of governor at the preceding election.
5% (1) south dakota: of the "qualified electors" based on the total number of
votes cast for governor at the preceding election.
(2) missouri: of the "legal voters," in each of two-thirds of the congressional
districts in the State, based on the total vote for governor at the preceding
7% (1) nebraska: of the "electors" of the State (with at least 5 per cent from each
of two-fifths of the counties) based on the whole number of votes cast for
governor at the last election.
8% (1) michigan: of the "registered voters" based on the vote cast for governor
at the last election.
(2) oregon: of the "legal voters" based on the whole number of votes cast for
Justice of the Supreme Court at the last election.
(3) oklahoma: of "legal voters" based on the total votes cast at the last general
election for the state office receiving the highest vote.
(4) arkansas: of "legal voters," with the signatures from at least 15 counties
with not less than one-half of the designated percentage of the electors of
each county, based on the total number of votes cast for governor at the last
(5) california: of the "qualified electors" based on all votes cast for all candi-
dates for governor at the last election.
(6) montana: of the "legal voters," provided two-fifths of the whole number
of counties each furnish 8 per cent of the voters in such county, based on the
whole number of votes cast for governor at the last election.
(7) colorado: of the "legal voters," based on the whole number of votes cast
for secretary of state at the last election.
10% (1) alaska: of "qualified voters" resident in at least two-thirds of the election
districts, based on the number of persons who voted in the preceding general
(2) nevada: of "qualified voters" of not less than 75 per cent of the counties,
based on the total number of votes cast at the last general election.
(3) arizona: of the "qualified electors" based on the whole number of votes
cast for all candidates for governor at the last general election.
(4) maine: of the "electors" based on the total vote cast for governor at the
last election.
(5) washington: of the "legal voters" based on the whole number of votes
cast for governor at the last election, but in no case more than 50,000 voters.

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Constitutional Revision Study Documents of the Constitutional Convention Commission, 1968
Volume 138, Page 94   View pdf image (33K)
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