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Constitutional Revision Study Documents of the Constitutional Convention Commission, 1968
Volume 138, Page 92   View pdf image (33K)
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Required Number of Petition Signatures: 30,000.
Referred measure known for 153,419
as the Washington State against 677,530
Milk Marketing Act _____
which supervised and majority 524,111 against
regulated the processing , 830,949
of milk. total vote 830,949
Referred measure provid- for 242,189
ing for private audits of against 563,475
municipal accounts. _____
majority 321,286 against
total vote 805,664
1964 Total Gubernatorial Vote: 1,250,274.
Required Number of Petition Signatures: 50,000.
Initiated measure provid- for 665,737
ing for the use of monies against 381,743
derived from fuel taxes ______
on purchases of fuel for majority 283,994 for
watercraft, which have 1,047,480
not been reclaimed to be total vote 1,047,480
applied to land on salt or
fresh water for marine
recreational purposes.
Required Number of Petition Signatures: 30,000.
Referred measure provid- for 614,903
ing for the issuance and against 434,978
sale of bonds for outdoor ______
public recreational facili- majority 179,925 for
total vote 1,049,881
Referred measure provid- for 782,682
ing for the issuance and against 300,674
sale of bonds for public ______
school facilities. majority 482,008 for
total vote 1,083,356
Referred measures pro- for 761,862
viding for the issuance against 299,783
and sale of bonds for ______
juvenile correctional in- majority 462,079 for
total vote 1,061,645
Referred measure provid- for 505,633
ing for licensing of places against 622,987
with mechanical devices, ______
salesboards, cardrooms, majority 117,354 against
and bingo.
total vote 1,128,620

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Constitutional Revision Study Documents of the Constitutional Convention Commission, 1968
Volume 138, Page 92   View pdf image (33K)
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