Constitution of
Constitution of
Constitution of
Constitution of
Amendments to
1776 Constitution
Laws: Affec-
tive date;
designation of
different dates.
Sec. 31. No Law passed
by the General Assembly
shall take effect, until the
first day of June, next after
the Session, at which it may
be passed, unless it be other-
wise expressly declared
Sec. 31. No Law passed
by the General Assembly
shall take effect until the
first day of June, next after
the Session, at which it may
be passed, unless it be other-
wise expressly declared
Sec. 30. No law passed
by the General Assembly
shall take effect until the
first day of June next after
the session at which it may
be passed, unless it be other-
wise expressly declared
therein; and in case any
public law is made to take
effect before the said first
day of June, the General As-
sembly shall provide for the
immediate publication of the
Sec. 31. No law passed
by the General Assembly
shall take effect until the
first day of June next after
the session at which it may
be passed, unless it be other-
wise expressly declared
Treasury with-
drawals : Appro-
priation by law,
specification of
amount and pur-
pose; Executive
Contingent Fund
report required.
Sec. 32. No money shall
be drawn from the Treasury
of the State, by any order
or resolution, nor except in
accordance with an appro-
priation by Law; and every
such Law shall distinctly
specify the sum appropri-
ated, and the object, to
which it shall be applied;
provided, that nothing here-
in contained shall prevent
the General Assembly from
placing a contingent fund at
the disposal of the Executive,
who shall report to the Gen-
eral Assembly, at each Ses-
sion, the amount expended,
and the purposes to which
it was applied. An accurate
statement of the receipts and
expenditures of the public
money, shall be attached to,
and published with the
Laws, after each regular
Session of the General As-
Sec. 32. No money shall
be drawn from the Treasury
of the State, by any order
or resolution, nor except in
accordance with an appro-
priation by Law, and every
such Law shall distinctly
specify the sum appropri-
ated, and the object, to
which it shall be applied;
provided, that nothing here-
in contained shall prevent
the General Assembly from
placing a contingent fund at
the disposal of the Executive,
who shall report to the Gen-
eral Assembly, at each Ses-
sion, the amount expended,
and the purposes to which
it was applied. An accurate
statement of the receipts and
expenditures of the public
money, shall be attached to,
and published with the Laws,
after each regular Session of
the General Assembly.
Sec. 31. No money shall
be drawn from the treasury
of the State, except in
accordance with an appro-
priation by law, and every
such law shall distinctly
specify the sum appropri-
ated, and the object to
which it shall be applied;
provided that nothing here-
in contained shall prevent
the General Assembly from
placing a contingent fund at
the disposal of the Executive,
who shall report to the Gen-
eral Assembly at each session
the amount expended, and
the purposes to which it was
applied; an accurate state-
ment of the receipts and ex-
penditures of the public
money shall be attached to
and published with the
laws, after each regular ses-
sion of the General Assem-
Sec. 20. No money shall
be drawn from the Tresury
of the State, except in ac-
cordance with an appropria-
tion made by law, and every
such law shall distinctly
specify the sum appropri-
ated, and the object to
which it shall be applied
provided that nothing here-
in contained shall prevent
the Legislature from placing
a contingent fund at the dis-
posal of the Executive, who
shall report to the Legisla-
ture at each session the
amount expended and the
purposes to which it was
applied; an accurate state-
ment of the receipts and
expenditures of the public
money shall be attached to
a'nd published with the laws
after each regular session of
the General Assembly.
Proposed by Act of 1843,
chapter 399. Ratified 1844.
No money shall be drawn
from the Treasury of this
State, but in consequence of
appropriations made by law.
Local or Special
Laws: Cases not
within the jur-
isdiction of the
General As-
Sec. 33. The General As-
sembly shall not pass local,
or special Laws, in any of
the following enumerated
cases, viz.: For extending the
time for the collection of
taxes; granting divorces;
changing the name of any
person; providing for the sale
of real estate, belonging to
minors, or other persons
Sec. 33. The General As-
sembly shall not pass local,
or special Laws, in any of
the following enumerated
cases, viz: For extending
the time for the collection of
taxes; granting divorces;
changing the name of any
person; providing for the sale
of real estate, belonging to
minors, or other persons la-
Sec. 32. The General As-
sembly shall not pass local or
special laws in any of the
following enumerated cases,
For the assessment and
collection of taxes for State
or county purposes, or ex-
tending the time for the
collection of taxes ;
Sec. 21. No divorce shall
be granted by the General