days excepted), after it shall
have been presented to him,
the same shall be a Law in
like manner as if he signed
it, unless the General Assem-
bly shall, by adjournment,
prevent its return, in which
case it shall not be a Law.
Any bill which is vetoed
by the Governor following
the adjournment of the Gen-
eral Assembly, or any bill
which fails to become a law
by reason of not having been
signed by the Governor fol-
lowing the adjournment of
the General Assembly, shall
be returned to the House in
which it originated, immedi-
ately after said House shall
have organized at the next
regular or special session of
the General Assembly. Said
bill may then be reconsidered
according to the procedure
specified hereinabove. If the
bill is passed over the veto
of the Governor, it shall take
effect on June 1 following,
unless the bill is an emer-
gency measure to take effect
when passed. No such vetoed
bill shall be returned to the
Legislature when a new
General Assembly of Mary-
land has been elected and
sworn since the passage of
the vetoed bill.
The Governor shall have
power to disapprove of any
item or items of any Bills
making appropriations of
money embracing distinct
items, and the part or parts
of the Bill approved shall be
the law, and the item or
items of appropriations dis-
approved shall be void unless
repassed according to the
rules or limitations pre-
scribed for the passage of
other Bills over the Execu-
tive veto.
(Sundays excepted) after it
shall have been presented to
him, the same shall be a
Law in like manner as if he
signed it; unless the General
Assembly shall, by adjourn-
ment, prevent its return, in
which case it shall not be a