Constitution of
Constitution of
Constitution of
Constitution of
Amendments to
1776 Constitution
to accept, or resignation of
an office; and any person vio-
lating said oath, shall, on
conviction thereof, in a
Court of Law, in addition to
the penalties now, or here-
after, to be imposed by Law,
be thereafter incapable of
holding any office of profit
or trust in this State.
refusal to accept, or resig-
nation of an office ; and any
person violating said oath;
shall on conviction thereof,
in a Court of Law, in addi-
tion to the penalties now, or
hereafter to be imposed by
Law, be thereafter incapable
of holding any office of pro-
fit or trust in this State.
forth in the Seventh Section
of this Article, and if any
such person shall fail to take
said oath his office shall be
ipso facto vacant. And
every person hereafter elect-
ed or appointed to office in
this State, who shall refuse
or neglect to take the oath
or affirmation of office pro-
vided for in the said Seventh
Section of this Article shall
be considered as having re-
fused to accept the said of-
fice, and a new election or
appointment shall be made
as in case of refusal to accept
or resignation of an office.
And any person swearing or
affirming falsely in the
premises shall, on conviction
thereof in a court of law,
incur the penalties for willful
and corrupt perjury, and
thereafter shall be incapable
of holding any office of profit
or trust in this State.
War Between
the States fran-
chise and office-
holding disqual-
ifying provi-
sion; oath of
Sec. 4. No person who
has at any time been in
armed hostility to the United
States, or the lawful au-
thorities thereof, or who has
been in any manner in the
service of the so-called "Con-
federate States of America,"
and no person who has vol-
untarily left this State and
gone within the military
lines of the-so-called "Con-
federate States or armies"
with the purpose of adher-
ing to said States or armies,
and no person who has given
any aid, comfort, counten-
ance or support to those en-
gaged in armed hostility to
the United States, or in any
manner adhered to the ene-
mies of the United States,
either by contributing to the
enemies of the United States,
or unlawfully sending within
the lines of such enemies
money or goods, or letters,