be valid; and upon warrants, issued by
the Comptroller, he shall make arrange-
ments for the payment of the interest of
the Public Debt, and for the purchase
thereof on account of the Sinking Fund.
Every Bond, Certificate, or other Evi-
dence of the debt of the State, shall be
signed by the Treasurer, and counter-
signed by the Comptroller; and no new
Certificate, or other Evidence intended
to replace another, shall be issued until
the old one shall be delivered to the
Treasurer, and authority executed in due
form for the transfer of the same filed in
his office, and the transfer accordingly
made on the books thereof, and the cer-
tificate or other evidence cancelled; but
the Legislature may make provisions for
the loss of certificates, or other evi-
dences of the debt; and may prescribe
by Law, the manner in which the Treas-
urer shall receive and keep the moneys
of the State.
Sec. 4. The Treasurer shall render
his Accounts, quarterly, to the Comp-
troller; and shall publish, monthly, in
such newspapers as the Governor may
direct, an abstract thereof, showing the
amount of cash on hand, and the place,
or places of deposit thereof; and on the
third day of each regular session of the
Legislature, he shall submit to the Sen-
ate and House of Delegates fair and
accurate copies of all Accounts by him,
from time to time, rendered and settled
with the Comptroller. He shall, at all
times, submit to the Comptroller the in-
spection of the money in his hands, and
perform all other duties that shall be
prescribed by Law.
Sec. 5. The Comptroller shall qualify,
and enter on the duties of his office, on
the third Monday of January next suc-
ceeding the time of his election, or as
soon thereafter as practicable. And the
Treasurer shall qualify within one month
after his appointment by the Legislature.
Sec. 6. Whenever during the recess
of the Legislature charges shall be pre-
ferred to the Governor against the
Comptroller or Treasurer, for incompe-
tency, malfeasance in office, wilful neg-
lect of duty, or misappropriation of the
funds of the State, it shall be the duty
of the Governor forthwith to notify the
party so charged, and fix a day for a
hearing of said charges; and if, from the
evidence taken, under oath, on said
hearing before the Governor, the said
allegations shall be sustained, it shall be
the duty of the Governor to remove said
offending officer, and appoint another
in his place, who shall hold the office
for the unexpired term of the officer so
Section 1. County Commissioners
shall be elected on general ticket of each
County, by the qualified voters of the
several Counties of this State, on the
Tuesday next after the first Monday in
the month of November, eighteen hun-
dred and sixty-seven, and on the same
day in every second year thereafter.
Their number in each County, their
compensation, powers and duties, shall
be such as are now, or may be hereafter
prescribed by Law.
Sec. 2. The qualified voters of each
County, and of the City of Baltimore,
shall, on the Tuesday next after the
first Monday in the month of Novem-
ber, in the year eighteen hundred and
sixty-seven, and on the same day in
every second year thereafter, elect a Sur-