"The United States calls on its
young men to protect their country,
but does not permit them to share any
political responsibility. That is even
more unfair than 'taxation without
representation.' It may be called 'sac-
rifice without representation.'
"Many leading Americans have
told the states that they have a moral
obligation to let those who fight vote.
Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt has said: 'If
young men of 18 or 19 are old enough
to ... fight their country's battles . . .
then they are old enough to take part
6 Statement of former Senator Blair Moody,
supra note 1.
7 Vote at 18? A Pro and Con Discussion:
Should the States Pass Legislation to Lower
the Voting Age to 18? 61 senior scholastic
10 (Sept. 17", 1952).
in the political life of their country
and to be full citizens with voting
powers.' General Eisenhower, in his
recent statement, put it bluntly: 'If
a man is old enough to fight, he is old
enough to vote.' "9
"We long have placed our faith for
the fighting of wars in those of your
age group. We have been successful
in war. We excluded you from the
ballot boxes where we elected those to
whom we entrusted peace. We have
failed at maintenance of peace.
"It is time that we tried a full part-
nership between the experience of age
and daring vitality of youth.
8 Statement . ..of former Senator Hubert
Humphrey, supra note 1.
9 Supra note 7 at 9.